garritfra /

A list of projects looking for new maintainers
MIT License
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Portable-VirtualBox #8

Open runarbu opened 2 years ago

runarbu commented 2 years ago

About the project

Portable-VirtualBox is a free and open-source software tool that lets you run any operating system from a USB stick without installing separate software (runs VirtualBox from the USB stick or network drive, etc.).


Why I need help

Unfortunately, I now have less time for open-source software development than I used to. There are also outstanding bugs that I have been unable to fix, so new eyes on thus bugs would be much appreciated.

Skills required

General coding skills and prior experience making desktop software for Windows. Portable-VirtualBox is written in AutoIt, but prior experience is probably now necessary if you are willing to spend some time learning it. I did not know AutoIt when I did take over the project.

How to get in touch

runarb [at] gmail [dot] com

Meta Information (Please fill out)

# A link to the code repository or homepage of the project
url: ""

# A short description of your project. The description text of your GitHub repo might fit here nicely
description: "Portable-VirtualBox is a free and open source software tool that lets you run any operating system from a usb stick without separate installation."

# Some comma separated tags that describe your project (not yet implemented, but coming soon!)
tags: [VirtualBox, Windows, AutoIt]
garritfra commented 2 years ago

It's official: You're the the first entry on the list!🥳 Thank you!