garu / App-cpanminus-reporter

stand-alone CPAN Testers client (for cpanminus and friends)
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Why is cpanm-reporter failing to report on this distro? #30

Closed jkeenan closed 1 year ago

jkeenan commented 6 years ago

cpanm-reporter is failing to generate a report for a CPAN distribution which fails to install because two of its prerequisites fail to install. I would think that cpanm-reporter would generate a report in this case, so I'm puzzled as to why it is failing to do so.

My Procedure


I would have expected a report to be generated for Data-Thunk, even if that report only said something to the effect that its prerequisites were not satisfied.

Now, I recognize that this is not just a problem with cpanm-reporter. If you go to the matrix, you see that there have been no reports generated for Data-Thunk later than perl-5.25.1 -- not even NA or UNKNOWN reports. I suspect that most CPANtesters reports are filed with programs based on cpan rather than cpanm. So there may be a problem with the way that all the various reporter programs are parsing build logs -- cpan build logs as well as cpanm build logs.


Do you have any insight as to why such reports are not being generated?

Feature or bug?

Is there anything we can do to rectify the situation?

Thank you very much. Jim Keenan

garu commented 1 year ago

Hi Jim! Sorry it took so long to respond.

The report for Data-Thunk was not sent because the dependency failed to install. To the best of my knowledge, all test reporter scripts look for the "testing" phase of the build process, and it never reached it so there is no "grade" for the test results (no tests were run for Data-Thunk).

If this should also be considered a failure I don't know. I guess one could argue either way. At least a "NA", maybe? I don't know.

If you can successfully install it in a newer perl and it sitll doesn't submit anything, please reopen this issue and attach your complete build.log file so I can fix and make a proper test case for it. Or if you have the time to fiddle with it for a bit and send a failing test with the relevant snippet of the build.log file, even better <3

I hope this helps. Let me know if anything else comes up!