gary-rowe / hid4java

A cross-platform Java Native Access (JNA) wrapper for the libusb/hidapi library. Works out of the box on Windows/Mac/Linux.
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Why can only read 49 bytes of data every time read(), I pass the 256-length byte[] array, or can only read 49 bytes? #110

Closed a751116023 closed 3 years ago

a751116023 commented 3 years ago

为什么每次read()只能读取49个byte的数据,我传过去256长度的byte[]数组,还是只能读取到49个byte? HID设备每次返回128个byte的数据,但是我只能接收到48个byte,造成接收数据混乱。。请问有方法避免这个问题吗?

gary-rowe commented 3 years ago

Google translate: Why can only read 49 bytes of data every time read(), I pass the 256-length byte[] array, or can only read 49 bytes? The HID device returns 128 bytes of data each time, but I can only receive 48 bytes, causing confusion in the received data. Is there a way to avoid this problem?

gary-rowe commented 3 years ago

Just using read() will use defaults of 64 bytes and a 100ms timeout. You might want to consider using read(128,200) for a more flexible approach.

In hid4java-v0.8.0 (not released yet but available on the develop branch) there is a readAll() method that will read all bytes coming from the device in a single hit.

Google translate: 仅使用read()将使用64字节的默认值和100ms的超时时间。 您可能需要考虑使用read(128,200)获得更灵活的方法。


a751116023 commented 3 years ago

Is Hid4Java-0.7.0 using 0.7 or 0.8 hidAPI?


gary-rowe commented 3 years ago

Please translate your questions to English using Google Translate.

Google translate: 请使用[Google翻译](将您的问题翻译成英语

gary-rowe commented 3 years ago

hid4java-0.7.0 uses hidapi-0.9.0. The release policy is to use the latest available release of hidapi at the time.

a751116023 commented 3 years ago

English: According to the problems I encountered in actual use, more than one Hiddevice was found by SN using the same VID and PID. I've added a getHidDeviceList() method to the hidservices class that returns all of the List criteria. Then test the return value using the hiddevice.write () method, which if > 0 is the operable target device

Chinese: 根据我在实际使用中遇到的问题,使用相同的vid和pid, sn查找到的hiddevice不止一个。 我在hidservices类增加了getHidDeviceList()方法,该方法返回所有满足条件的List。 然后使用hidDevice.write()方法测试返回值,如果> 0,该hiddevice为可操作的目标设备