gary-rowe / hid4java

A cross-platform Java Native Access (JNA) wrapper for the libusb/hidapi library. Works out of the box on Windows/Mac/Linux.
MIT License
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Raspberry Pi scanning issue #82

Closed madhephaestus closed 4 years ago

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

Using the hid4java On windows, and x86_64 works well, but the same jar fails to open devices on a Raspberry Pi. Are there any special instructions or libraries that should be installed to make the Pi work the same as Ubuntu on x86?

Tested Non-working on Pi 3 Pi 4 2gb Pi 4 4gb Pi Zero


gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the testing - really appreciate the help.

The RPi support is a bit flaky at the moment. I'm having trouble cross-compiling the hidapi library to armv6. I'll keep at it and let you know here when the develop branch has an update.

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

I will offer, as a bounty, a free SmallKat kit to whomever solves this issue :)

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

Upon further testing the HID device is found, and hid4java attempts to connect to it. The device receives no packets at all. The response times out after a minute. On timeout, device .disconnect is called, this causes a Fatal error:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x9e7e46e8, pid=1414, tid=0x9de91460
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_212-b01) (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b01-1+rpi1-b01)
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (25.212-b01 mixed mode linux-aarch32 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  []  libusb_get_next_timeout+0x60
# Core dump written. Default location: /home/pi/core or core.1414
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/pi/hs_err_pid1414.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

I have attached the core-dump hs_err_pid1414.log

Another strange behaviour during this test is that the keyboard and mouse lock up as soon as the JVM loads the the hid4Java (from a groovy script at runtime). The kb and mouse are locked while the test program runs, then once the above error prints out, the kb and mouse come back.

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'm still working on getting the RPi cross-compilation to work in the dockcross environment.

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

I've pushed a new version of hid4java-develop-SNAPSHOT to Maven Central. it should contain a working RPi shared library now.

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

YOU ROCK FOR DOING THIS SO FAST! One of my students is running through the tests tonight, ill report back in the morning :)

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

There'll be another update coming along in a moment. I've found a bug with the RPi library.

Edit: Fresh version added to Maven Central snapshots.

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

I cant seem to be able to load the snapshot. It isnt published here:

We are testing using the dep string:

implementation 'org.hid4java:hid4java:hid4java-develop-SNAPSHOT'

Can you tell me what dep string we should use to load this snapshot version? do i need to add a grab-resolver source?

madhephaestus commented 4 years ago

Found how to include it, were still getting an error. This is a New error, so i call this progress!

org.hid4java.HidException: Hidapi did not initialise: Unable to load library 'hidapi': Native library (linux-arm/ not found in resource path ([file:/home/pi/.groovy/grapes/org.hid4java/hid4java/jars/hid4java-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar, file:/home/pi/.groovy/grapes/, file:/home/pi/.groovy/grapes/com.neuronrobotics/SimplePacketComsJava-HID/jars/SimplePacketComsJava-HID-0.13.1.jar, file:/home/pi/.groovy/grapes/com.neuronrobotics/SimplePacketComsJava/jars/SimplePacketComsJava-0.10.1.jar])
    at org.hid4java.HidDeviceManager.<init>(
    at org.hid4java.HidServices.<init>(
    at org.hid4java.HidServices.<init>(
    at org.hid4java.HidServices.<init>(
    at org.hid4java.HidManager.getHidServices(
    at edu.wpi.SimplePacketComs.phy.HIDSimplePacketComs.connectDeviceImp(
OE4AMW commented 4 years ago

Hi @madhephaestus, I experienced the same issue (Unable to load library 'hidapi': Native library (linux-arm/ not found in resource path) when using (as described in

For some reason, the hidjava-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar does not contain a folder linux-arm with a, instead there is only a in the root-folder. Manually "fixing" the jar (by renaming it to zip, changing the folder/filename, re-zipping and renaming back to .jar) helped in my case.

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

I've updated the README in develop branch to include suitable Gradle configuration for the snapshot releases.

repositories {

dependencies {

If this fixes your problems, please let me know.

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

I should add that Maven Central has a new develop-SNAPSHOT that should fix your issue.

gary-rowe commented 4 years ago

I've verified that the latest build (using JNA 5.5.0) works on a RPi Model B Rev 2 which is linux-arm using hard float. This should sort out any issues with SIGILL (0x4) or SIGSEGV (0xb).
