gary-rowe / multibit-merchant

⚠️ OBSOLETE. DO NOT USE! A free and open source Bitcoin ecommerce platform, with several representative clients (online shop, admin etc). Uses Dropwizard, HAL, MongoDB etc
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Customer can perform CRUD through REST on Cart #3

Closed gary-rowe closed 12 years ago

gary-rowe commented 12 years ago

In order to administer the Cart entity As a Customer I want to perform CRUD operations

Estimated time (days): 2

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario 1: Developer level acceptance Given a running MBM platform And a local in-memory database When a GET request against /cart is issued with Customer credentials Then the response will contain a HAL representation of all Carts owned by the Customer Done?

Scenario 2: Developer level acceptance Given a running MBM platform And a local in-memory database When a POST request against /cart is issued with Customer credentials And the request contains a valid CreateCart entity represented in HAL Then the response will contain a HAL representation of the new Cart Done?

Scenario 3: Developer level acceptance Given a running MBM platform And a local in-memory database When a PUT request against /cart/{cartId} is issued with Customer credentials And the request contains a valid UpdateCart entity represented in HAL Then the response will contain a HAL representation of the updated Cart Done?

Scenario 4: Developer level acceptance Given a running MBM platform And a local in-memory database When a DELETE request against /cart/{cartId} is issued with Customer credentials Then the response will contain a confirmation of the delete Done?