garyb / purescript-codec-argonaut

Bi-directional JSON codecs for argonaut
MIT License
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taggedSum is not compatible with any of Aeson encoding formats #59

Open yaitskov opened 1 year ago

yaitskov commented 1 year ago

Modified version of taggedSum embedding value into JS object where tag key is defined

-- | Standard Argonaut "taggedSum" always wraps encoded content
-- into sub object and binds to the key "value",
-- but this is not compatible
-- with Aeson, which doesn't wrapp content if value is a record,
-- i.e. has named fields

module CoMajor.Argonaut.Sum where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Argonaut.Core as J
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Codec as Codec
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Foreign.Object as FO
import Foreign.Object.ST as FOST

  ∷ ∀ tag a
  . String
  → (tag → String)
  → (String → Maybe tag)
  → (tag → Either a (J.Json → Either CA.JsonDecodeError a))
  → (a → Tuple tag (Maybe J.Json))
  → CA.JsonCodec a
taggedSum' name printTag parseTag f g = Codec.codec decodeCase encodeCase
  decodeCase ∷ J.Json → Either CA.JsonDecodeError a
  decodeCase j = lmap (CA.Named name) do
    obj ← Codec.decode CA.jobject j
    tag ← Codec.decode (CA.prop "tag" CA.string) obj
    case parseTag tag of
      Nothing → Left (CA.AtKey "tag" (CA.UnexpectedValue (J.fromString tag)))
      Just t →
        case f t of
          Left a → pure a
          Right decoder → lmap (CA.AtKey "value") (decoder j)

  wNothing :: forall r. tag -> ST r (FOST.STObject r J.Json)
  wNothing tag = do
    ho ←
    FOST.poke "tag" (Codec.encode CA.string (printTag tag)) ho

  wJust :: forall r. J.Json -> tag -> ST r (FOST.STObject r J.Json)
  wJust j tag = do
        (\o -> do
          ho <- FO.thawST o
          FOST.poke "tag" (Codec.encode CA.string (printTag tag)) ho

  encodeCase ∷ a → J.Json
  encodeCase a = case g a of
    Tuple tag value →
      Codec.encode CA.jobject $
        FO.runST do
          case value of
            Nothing -> wNothing tag
            Just j -> wJust j tag