garyhodgson / prusa_mendel_visual_instructions

Prusa Mendel Visual Instructions
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Convert Publisher file to more open friendly format #5

Closed garyhodgson closed 13 years ago

verbalshadow commented 13 years ago

I have the first draft of a latex version of this guide. I would like to get the images so it can be useful. I can be connected my username

garyhodgson commented 13 years ago

Hi, I have uploaded the images to dropbox. There are two zip files:

One has all of the original PNG files I created whilst putting the document together - including alternative views of some steps. I think it should be easy to see how the images and the steps fit together: Step_1.png is step 1, anything with "supp" in the title means "supplemental", and anything with "Alternative" is a potential alternative view of the step.

Sadly, I used Publisher to scale and crop the images, and also to make the backgrounds transparent. The only way I have found to extract these modified images is to export the publisher document as a web page. This gives a folder of the modified PNG files, but unfortunately the names are replaced with a sequence number of the order in which I added the images to the document - so this doesn't match the actual sequence used in the document. Still, the images are there should you wish to use them.

Let me know if you need anything else.

garyhodgson commented 13 years ago

Conversion is not really an option now. The next guides will not be written in Publisher.