garykac / woven

A tabletop game of tactical magecraft
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Basic/Starter Spells #10

Closed garykac closed 6 years ago

garykac commented 6 years ago

Set of spells that each player starts with. Covers the basic spell fragments and simple attack/defense/interaction spells.

These spells should be ideally be castable from a single matrix card. (Note exception with one of the Fire patterns)



X .
. X

Move target 1 space in any direction.

Return Home


Move the caster from the Astral plane back to their home location.



. . X
. A X

Move 1 space. Ignore terrain restrictions.


. A X
. . X

Gain 2AP that can only be used for physical movement.



. . X
. F .
X . .

Place a control marker on the caster's current location as long as they are the only creature in that space. No other creature may enter this space until the control is removed.

Fire Spurt

X . X
. F .

Attack all creatures in the target location.



. . .

Protection against magical movement spells that target the mage. While Anchor is active, any spells that Target the player to move them to a different location fail unless their Power is greater than the Defense power of the Anchor. Does not have an effect when Caster is in the Astral plane.


. E X
. X .

When cast, take one of the spell die (set to "1" for the defense power) and place it on this card to indicate that Shield active. If you are attacked and the attack power is greater than Shield defense power, then shield is destroyed and remaining power passes through. Otherwise the attack is deflected.

Multiple shields are arranged so that the most recently cast Shield is the outermost shield (the first one to take damage). Shields can be dropped at any time.



X . .
. W X

Push any creatures in the target location (other than caster, if present) into a neighboring space. The targeted creature chooses which location they get pushed into. Ignore any terrain effects.


. . X
X W .

When cast, take one of the spell die (set to "1" for the defense power) and place it on this card to indicate that Dodge is active. If you are attacked and the attack power is greater than Dodge defense power, then Dodge fails. Otherwise the attack is deflected and you must move into an adjacent space.

Dodge takes effect only after all Shields have been destroyed. (alternatively, Dodges always happen first).

Other simple spells

Other spells

Spells that work with any element

blinks commented 6 years ago

These basics are still three-box spells, is that intentional? I think the most basic ones should only need one die.

garykac commented 6 years ago

I'm going to make a set (of 8) for each @+1 and @+2 (for @ in (A, F, E, W)).

My fear is that the @+1 spells will be too easy and won't be interesting/satisfying, but I'd like to playtest it to see.

The base @+1 spells are all either:

. X
@ .


@ X

and if I need to expand it to more, I can use:

. . X    X . .    . . .
@ . .    . . @    @ . X