garyoshea / digital-loans

repository 001
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issue 001 #1

Open garyoshea opened 1 year ago

garyoshea commented 1 year ago

this is an issue. this does what an issue does. it creates awareness about something. something that the end users is wanting or wanting to change. its about creating something that a user or customer wants. something that adds value. and makes it easier or more interesting for the customer. so much so that they would want to take out their credit card and buy it with their own hard earn dollars.

garyoshea commented 1 year ago

this is a comment.this is a comment about an issue. this is r and d. research and development. this is about exploring the world of code and programming. this is about having an appreciation for programming and writing code. it is not easy. it is hard. it is like digging a hole on a hot day - ie manual labour. except you can be inside air conditioning which is nicer then outside manual labour on a hot day.