garywill / autoReferer

Browser addon. Control referer to protect privacy and not break web. The addon (maybe the only one?) that deals with Firefox's document.referrer bug 🛡️🛣️
GNU General Public License v2.0
23 stars 3 forks source link

Whitelist feature? #4

Open martin-braun opened 1 year ago

martin-braun commented 1 year ago

The idea of this extension is not bad, but it lacks a whitelist feature. The extension prevents from loading. Please fix, thanks.

Or will tab exceptions perhaps be remembered, already? I'm not sure.

garywill commented 1 year ago

There is only hard-coded whitelist currently User whitelist not implemented yet.

The url you posted seems require Apple developer account. I don't have one. You can send a PR to me to add the urls you need

martin-braun commented 1 year ago

You don't need an Apple developer account to replicate. It's the login form that isn't loading with your extension activated. You should see a spinning loading animation instead of a login form, until you disable your extension.

I've seen your whitelist. It would be very useful to have user whitelist, so things can be tested out.

martin-braun commented 1 year ago


But the issue remains, as we would benefit from a user whitelist.

garywill commented 1 year ago

I tried that website with my apple account. I can't login even if I totally disable Auto Referer ... Not sure if something else interfering (eg my network)

You can try adding

["", ""]

to your whitelist. will cover *

Before user whitelist implemented, you can open Auto Referer debug console (about:debugging on firefox. Or Inspect addon on Chrome), change the variable whitelist to test. E.g.:

whitelist.push(["", ""])