garywill / linux-router

Set Linux as router in one command. Support Internet sharing, redsocks, Wifi hotspot, IPv6. Can also be used for routing VM/containers 🛰️ (也欢迎关注B站 )
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
1.67k stars 148 forks source link

Create MostLikelyUse #38

Open makingglitches opened 2 years ago

makingglitches commented 2 years ago

Modify as you like, just a suggestion for the average person trying to move files.

0x07CB commented 1 year ago

Too much unsecure... You want tell ? :

Simplest call.

calk iwconfig
find wifi card name
in mant cases this is wlo1 on distros like Fedora

sudo ./lnxrouter --ap <yourwirelessdevice> <newhotspotname> -p <yourpassword> -g <thenewserversipaddress> -w 3 -c <channel> --random-mac --ban-priv --isolate-client

--random-mac: randomize the mac address
--ban-priv: deny private network access
--isolate-client: isolate all clients 
-g: is important otherwise the server address changes everytime.
also, unless dhcp is properly configured you're going to have to statically address your clients.

-c: is wifi channel that setting up the frequency (in Hz, because it's an floating value and the wifi can be set in 2 or 5 Ghz, this setting modify the numbers after the Decimal by himself, channel it's not the number after the Decimal, it's preprogrammed setting to set up the wifi of the router script.
0x07CB commented 1 year ago

You want I made an tutorial for the WPA2-PSK security mode ? or any else ?

makingglitches commented 1 year ago

I suppose. I just like the little script I made, makes its simple. Damn I had forgot I added this lol

0x07CB commented 1 year ago

I suppose. I just like the little script I made, makes its simple. Damn I had forgot I added this lol

I understand but you can give additional advices with that because it’s not more complicated, just with more args, Dev beginner by exemple have generally not the full knowledge about cybersecurity or specifically in this case generally about wifi security setting up on an router and into the usage of this touter script.