garywill / linux-router

Set Linux as router in one command. Support Internet sharing, redsocks, Wifi hotspot, IPv6. Can also be used for routing VM/containers 🛰️ (也欢迎关注B站 )
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Script fails without ipv6 #40

Closed Jabbado closed 2 years ago

Jabbado commented 2 years ago

I tried running this on a Puppy Linux distro with: sudo lnxrouter -i <my eth interface>

and it fails while backing up settings with ERROR: Failed backing up interface ipv6 bits

There's no /proc/sys/net/ipv6 directory on this system. I don't see an option to disable ipv6 in the script, only to enable it. Any way of getting this to work?

garywill commented 2 years ago

I tried running this on a Puppy Linux distro

hmmm... it seems a shrinked system, not a complete Linux.

This script is designed for modern completed Linux, so I'm afraid we are not going to do some change to fit your requirement (Unless I'm not the only maintainer, whose most part of time taken by life and jobs. Sorry ... ).

However I think you can try deleting some IPv6 code (as below) in script:

Jabbado commented 2 years ago

Thank you yes I thought commenting out those lines would get it working too. But after doing so it turned out Puppy Linux is just too streamlined and missing too many dependencies. Testing on Lubuntu however seems to be working well.