### 3.9.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.9.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
- Be more resilient to I/O failures when writing font cache
- Fix nondeterministic behavior with subplot spacing and constrained layout
- Fix sticky edge tolerance relative to data range
- Improve formatting of image values in cases of singular norms
Windows wheels now bundle the MSVC runtime DLL statically to avoid inconsistencies with other wheels and random crashes depending on import order.
### 3.9.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.9.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
- Add GitHub artifact attestations for sdist and wheels
- Re-add ``; note this function will still be removed at a later date
- Allow duplicate backend entry points
- Fix `Axes` autoscaling of thin bars at large locations
- Fix `Axes` autoscaling with `axhspan` / `axvspan`
- Fix `Axes3D` autoscaling of `Line3DCollection` / `Poly3DCollection`
- Fix `Axes3D` mouse interactivity with non-default roll angle
- Fix box aspect ratios in `Axes3D` with alternate vertical axis
- Fix case handling of backends specified as `module://...`
- Fix crash with TkAgg on Windows with `tk.window_focus: True`
- Fix interactive update of SubFigures
- Fix interactivity when using the IPython console
- Fix pickling of AxesWidgets and SubFigures
- Fix scaling on GTK3Cairo / GTK4Cairo backends
- Fix text wrapping within SubFigures
- Promote `mpltype` Sphinx role to a public extension; note this is only intended for development reasons
### 3.9.0
Highlights of this release include:
- Plotting and Annotation improvements
- Axes.inset_axes is no longer experimental
- Legend support for Boxplot
- Percent sign in pie labels auto-escaped with usetex=True
- hatch parameter for stackplot
- Add option to plot only one half of violin plot
- axhline and axhspan on polar axes
- Subplot titles can now be automatically aligned
- axisartist can now be used together with standard Formatters
- Toggle minorticks on Axis
- StrMethodFormatter now respects axes.unicode_minus
- Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
- Subfigures now have controllable zorders
- Getters for xmargin, ymargin and zmargin
- Mathtext improvements
- mathtext documentation improvements
- mathtext spacing corrections
- Widget Improvements
- Check and Radio Button widgets support clearing
- 3D plotting improvements
- Setting 3D axis limits now set the limits exactly
- Other improvements
- New BackendRegistry for plotting backends
- Add widths, heights and angles setter to EllipseCollection
- image.interpolation_stage rcParam
- Arrow patch position is now modifiable
- NonUniformImage now has mouseover support
### 3.9.0rc2
This is the second release candidate for the meso release 3.9.0.
### 3.8.4
This is the fourth micro release of the 3.8 series.
Highlights of the 3.8.4 release include:
- Enable building against numpy 2.0; released wheels are built against numpy 2
- macosx: Clean up single-shot timers correctly
- Add a draw during show for macos backend
- Fix color sequence data for Set2 and Set3
- gtk: Ensure pending draws are done before GTK draw
- Update "Created with" url in hand.svg
- Avoid modifying user input to
- fix quiver3d incorrect arrow colors
### 3.8.3
This is the third micro release of the 3.8 series.
Highlights of the 3.8.3 release include:
- Improvements to the MacOS backend
- Fix hanging on `plt.pause`
- Fix warnings about "Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state"
- Fix crash at exit for PGF backend
### 3.8.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.8 series.
Highlights of this release include:
- Fix a segfault in the MacOS backend when running on Python 3.12
- Fix Contour labeling manual positions selecting incorrect contours.
- Various documentation improvements
### 3.8.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.8.x series.
This release contains several bug fixes and adjustments:
- Bump setuptools required version because of setuptools_scm v8
- Update ``find_nearest_contour`` and revert contour deprecations
- ``allsegs`` and ``allkinds`` return individual segments
- Restore default behavior of hexbin mincnt with C provided
- Try/except import of Axes3D
- Ensure valid path mangling for ContourLabeler
- BLD: Remove development dependencies from sdists
- FIX 2-tuple of colors in to_rgba_array
- Fix issue with non-string labels and legend
- Fix issue with locale comma when not using math text
- Various type hinting improvements
- Various documentation improvements
- Improvements to the MacOS backend
### 3.7.5
This is the fifth bugfix release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains two bug-fixes:
- Fix hanging on `plt.pause` on the MacOS backend
- Fix crash on exit when using the PGF backend on Windows
### 3.7.4
This is the fourth bugfix release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains one bug-fix:
- Fix a segmentation fault when resizing on Python 3.12 and macOS 14
### 3.7.3
This is the third bugfix release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Add Python 3.12 wheels
* Update the license for the bundled colorbrewer colormap data
* Fix Cairo backend when using cairocffi
* Fix axes_grid1 inset axes with `bbox_inches=tight`
* Fix bugs in `Path3DCollection` / `Poly3DCollection` constructors
* Fix setting array labelcolor on Tick
* Improve compatibility with latest NumPy
* Stop warning when calling `tight_layout` multiple times
### 3.7.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Avoid modifying input masks in `pcolor`/`pcolormesh`
* Fix 3D set_aspect error cases
* Fix IPython's `%pylab` mode detection
* Fix `Figure.get_constrained_layout_pads()`
* Fix `Legend.set_draggable()` with `update="bbox"`
* Fix `TransformedBbox.{,full_}contains`
* Fix clipping of `bar_label` text
* Fix colorbar size when saving with explicit `bbox_inches`
* Fix errors when an input is entirely NaN
* Fix leaks of exception tracebacks and `LayoutGrid` objects
* Fix non-interpolated imshow in PDF export
* Fix palettized image optimization in PDF export
* Fix pgf tests with TeXLive 2022
* Fix removal of `Axes` that contain widgets that are grabbing the mouse
* Fix removal of draggable artists
* Fix subslice optimization for long, fully nan lines
* Fix tight layout if Figure has an existing layout manager
* Fix window extent of AnnotationBbox before first draw
* Fix wspace and hspace in subfigures
* Improve Qt compatibility
* Improve compatibility with Python 3.12
* Prevent under the hood downcasting of values in `xcorr`
* Remove some NumPy function overrides from `pylab`
* Remove warning with symlog scales on mouseover
### 3.7.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.7.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Ensure Qhull license is included in binary wheels
* Fix application of rcParams on Axes labels
* Fix compatibility with Pandas datetime unit converter
* Fix compatibility with latest GTK4
* Fix import of styles with relative path
* Fix Lasso unresponsiveness when clicking and immediately releasing
* Fix pickling of draggable legends
* Fix RangeSlider.set_val when new value is outside existing value
* Fix size of Tk spacers when changing display DPI
* Fix wrapped text in constrained layout
* Improve compatibility with third-party backends
* Improve error if animation save path does not exist
### 3.6.3
This is the third bugfix release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Fix Artist removal from `axes_grid1` Axes classes
* Fix `inset_locator` in subfigures
* Fix `scatter` on masked arrays with units
* Fix colorbar ticks with log norm contours
* Fix deprecation warnings in GTK4 backend
* Fix using relative paths in `HTMLWriter`
* Improve failure message from rcParams string validation for tuple inputs
* Improve performance of QtAgg backends
* No longer modify `pil_kwargs` argument to `imsave` and `savefig`
### 3.6.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Avoid mutating dictionaries passed to `subplots`
* Fix `bbox_inches='tight'` on a figure with constrained layout enabled
* Fix auto-scaling of `ax.hist` density with `histtype='step'`
* Fix compatibility with PySide6 6.4
* Fix evaluating colormaps on non-NumPy arrays
* Fix key reporting in pick events
* Fix thread check on PyPy 3.8
* Handle input to `` that is all NaN
* Make rubber band more visible on Tk and Wx backends
* Restore (and warn on) seaborn styles in `style.library`
* Restore `get_renderer` function in deprecated `tight_layout`
* nb/webagg: Fix resize handle on WebKit browsers (e.g., Safari)
### 3.6.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.6.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* A warning is no longer raised when constrained layout explicitly
disabled and tight layout is applied
* Add missing `get_cmap` method to `ColormapRegistry`
* Adding a colorbar on a `ScalarMappable` that is not attached to an
`Axes` is now deprecated instead of raising a hard error
* Fix `barplot` being empty when first element is NaN
* Fix `FigureManager.resize` on GTK4
* Fix `fill_between` compatibility with NumPy 1.24 development version
* Fix `hexbin` with empty arrays and log scaling
* Fix `resize_event` deprecation warnings when creating figure on macOS
* Fix build in mingw
* Fix compatibility with PyCharm's interagg backend
* Fix crash on empty `Text` in PostScript backend
* Fix generic font families in SVG exports
* Fix horizontal colorbars with hatches
* Fix misplaced mathtext using `eqnarray`
* `stackplot` no longer changes the Axes cycler
### 3.5.3
This is the third bugfix release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Fix alignment of over/under symbols
* Fix bugs in colorbars:
* alpha of extensions
* `drawedges=True` with extensions
* handling of `panchor=False`
* Fix builds on Cygwin and IBM i
* Fix contour labels in `SubFigure`s
* Fix cursor output:
* for `imshow` with all negative values
* when using `BoundaryNorm`
* Fix interactivity in IPython/Jupyter
* Fix NaN handling in `errorbar`
* Fix NumPy conversion from AstroPy unit arrays
* Fix positional *markerfmt* passed to `stem`
* Fix unpickling:
* crash loading in a separate process
* incorrect DPI when HiDPI screens
### 3.5.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments:
* Add support for Windows on ARM (source-only; no wheels provided yet)
* Add year to concise date formatter when displaying less than 12 months
* Disable `QuadMesh` mouse cursor to avoid severe performance regression in `pcolormesh`
* Delay backend selection to allow choosing one in more cases
* Fix automatic layout bugs in EPS output
* Fix autoscaling of `scatter` plots
* Fix clearing of subfigures
* Fix colorbar exponents, inversion of extensions, and use on inset axes
* Fix compatibility with various NumPy-like classes (e.g., Pandas, xarray, etc.)
* Fix constrained layout bugs with mixed subgrids
* Fix `errorbar` with dashes
* Fix errors in conversion to GTK4 and Qt6
* Fix figure options accidentally re-ordering data
* Fix keyboard focus of TkAgg backend
* Fix manual selection of contour labels
* Fix path effects on text with whitespace
* Fix `quiver` in subfigures
* Fix `RangeSlider.set_val` displaying incorrectly
* Fix regressions in collection data limits
* Fix `stairs` with no edgecolor
* Fix some leaks in Tk backends
* Fix tight layout DPI confusion
* Fix tool button customizability and some tool manager bugs
* Only set Tk HiDPI scaling-on-map for Windows systems
* Partially allow TTC font collection files by selecting the first font
### 3.5.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.5.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix installation issues when setting a default backend
* fix `add_lines` on horizontal colorbars
* fix `streamplot` with start points on right or top edge
* fix colorbars with boundaries or `NoNorm`
* fix colorbars with negative contours
* fix colorbars with tight layout
* fix setting Axis label alignment to center
* fix subfigure tight bounding box
* fix subplot parameter window on macosx backend
* fix unit handling in `Collections.set_offsets`
* fix unyt integration in `errorbar`
* re-display date offset in `ConciseDataFormatter` after zoom
* reduce `do_3d_projection` deprecation warnings in external artists
### 3.4.3
This is the third bugfix release of the 3.4.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* Clarify deprecation of `Axes.figbox`
* Disable `MultiCursor` widget on `Axes` subplots which it is not tracking
* Don't simplify path in `LineCollection.get_segments`
* Fix DPI in subfigures, affecting tick spacing, and scatter marker size
* Fix broken EPS output when using Type 42 STIX fonts
* Fix change in tick behaviour when calling `Axes.clear`
* Fix class docstrings for `Norm`s created from `Scale`s
* Fix compatibility with NumPy 1.21.0
* Fix crash on broken TrueType fonts
* Fix incorrect hits from `Path.intersects_path`
* Fix leak if affine_transform is passed invalid vertices
* Fix legends of `stackplot` with `edgecolors='face'`
* Fix plot directive when building in parallel
* Fix `supxlabel` and `supylabel` behaviour in constrained layout
* Fix tests with latest Inkscape and Ghostscript
* Improve `DateFormatter` styling for month names when `usetex=True`
* Re-disable autoscaling after interactive zoom
* Work around bug in Pillow 8.3.0
### 3.4.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.4.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3.{0,1}
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.10
* Add `subplot_mosaic` Axes in the order the user gave them to us
* Correctly handle 'none' *facecolors* in `do_3d_projection`
* Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there's no HOME
* Fix `CenteredNorm` with *halfrange*
* Fix `bar_label` for bars with NaN values
* Fix clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure
* Fix creation of `RangeSlider` with *valinit*
* Fix handling of "d" glyph in backend_ps, fixing EPS output
* Fix handling of datetime coordinates in `pcolormesh` with Pandas
* Fix processing of some `errorbar` arguments
* Fix removal of shared polar Axes
* Fix resetting grid visibility
* Fix subfigure indexing error and tight bbox
* Fix textbox cursor color
* Fix TkAgg event loop error on window close
* Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors)
### 3.4.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.4.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix errorbar when specifying fillstyle
* fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows for tests
* fix legends of colour-mapped scatter plots
* fix positioning of annotation fancy arrows
* fix size and color rendering for 3D scatter plots
* fix suptitle manual positioning when using constrained layout
* respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well
### 3.4.0
Highlights of this release include:
- Figure and Axes creation / management
- New subfigure functionality
- Single-line string notation for `subplot_mosaic`
- Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (`gca`, `add_axes`, `add_subplot`)
- `add_subplot`/`add_axes` gained an *axes_class* parameter
- Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout
- Plotting methods
- `axline` supports transform parameter
- New automatic labeling for bar charts
- A list of hatches can be specified to `bar` and `barh`
- Setting `BarContainer` orientation
- Contour plots now default to using `ScalarFormatter`
- `Axes.errorbar` cycles non-color properties correctly
- `errorbar` *errorevery* parameter matches *markevery*
- `hexbin` supports data reference for *C* parameter
- Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels
- `Axes.spines` access shortcuts
- New `stairs` method and `StepPatch` artist
- Added *orientation* parameter for stem plots
- Angles on Bracket arrow styles
- `TickedStroke` patheffect
- Colors and colormaps
- Collection color specification and mapping
- Transparency (alpha) can be set as an array in collections
- pcolormesh has improved transparency handling by enabling snapping
- IPython representations for Colormap objects
- `Colormap.set_extremes` and `Colormap.with_extremes`
- Get under/over/bad colors of Colormap objects
- New `cm.unregister_cmap` function
- New `CenteredNorm` for symmetrical data around a center
- New `FuncNorm` for arbitrary normalizations
- GridSpec-based colorbars can now be positioned above or to the left of the main axes
- Titles, ticks, and labels
- supxlabel and supylabel
- Shared-axes `subplots` tick label visibility is now correct for top or left labels
- An iterable object with labels can be passed to `Axes.plot`
- Fonts and Text
- Text transform can rotate text direction
- `matplotlib.mathtext` now supports *overset* and *underset* LaTeX symbols
- *math_fontfamily* parameter to change `Text` font family
- `TextArea`/`AnchoredText` support *horizontalalignment*
- PDF supports URLs on Text artists
- rcParams improvements
- New rcParams for dates: set converter and whether to use interval_multiples
- Date formatters now respect *usetex* rcParam
- Setting *image.cmap* to a Colormap
- Tick and tick label colors can be set independently using rcParams
- 3D Axes improvements
- Errorbar method in 3D Axes
- Stem plots in 3D Axes
- 3D Collection properties are now modifiable
- Panning in 3D Axes
- Interactive tool improvements
- New `RangeSlider` widget
- Sliders can now snap to arbitrary values
- Pausing and Resuming Animations
- Sphinx extensions
- `plot_directive` *caption* option
- Backend-specific improvements
- Consecutive rasterized draws now merged
- Support raw/rgba frame format in `FFMpegFileWriter`
- nbAgg/WebAgg support middle-click and double-click
- nbAgg support binary communication
- Indexed color for PNG images in PDF files when possible
- Improved font subsettings in PDF/PS
- Kerning added to strings in PDFs
- Fully-fractional HiDPI in QtAgg
- wxAgg supports fullscreen toggle
### 3.4.0rc3
This is the third release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0.
### 3.4.0rc2
This is the second release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0.
### 3.4.0rc1
This is the first release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0.
### 3.3.4
This is the fourth bugfix release of the 3.3.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* Fix WebAgg initialization.
* Fix parsing `QT_API` setting with mixed case.
* Fix build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
* Fix test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
* Fix test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
### 3.3.3
This is the third bugfix release of the 3.3.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* Fix calls to `Axis.grid` with argument `visible=True`.
* Fix fully masked `imshow`.
* Fix inconsistent color mapping in scatter for 3D plots.
* Fix notebook/nbAgg figures when used with ipywidgets in the same cell.
* Fix notebook/nbAgg/WebAgg on older (e.g., Firefox ESR) browsers.
* Fix pcolormesh with `datetime` coordinates.
* Fix performance regression with `datetime`s.
* Fix singular ticks with small log ranges.
* Fix timers/animations on wx and notebook backends.
* Remove certifi as a hard runtime dependency.
### 3.3.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.3.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix `Axis` scale on twinned `Axes`
* fix auto-close of `Figure`s in nbagg
* fix automatic title placement if `Axes` is off the `Figure`
* fix autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram
* fix extra redraws when using `Button` or `TextBox` widgets
* fix imshow with `LogNorm` and large vmin/vmax ranges
* fix plotting Pandas `DataFrame` with string `MultiIndex`
* fix `scatter` with `marker=''`
* fix `scatter3d` color/linewidth re-projection
* fix state of mode buttons in TkAgg backends
* include license files in built distribution
* reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows
### 3.3.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.3.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix docstring import issues when running Python with optimization
* fix `hist` with categorical data, such as with Pandas
* fix install on BSD systems
* fix nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+
* fix ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots
* fix performance regression when plotting `Path`s
* fix reading from URL in `imread`
* fix several regressions with new date epoch handling
* fix some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars
* fix use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends
### 3.3.0
Highlights of this release include:
- Provisional API for composing semantic axes layouts from text or nested lists
- New Axes.sharex, Axes.sharey methods
- Turbo colormap
- colors.BoundaryNorm supports extend keyword argument
- Text color for legend labels
- Pcolor and Pcolormesh now accept shading='nearest' and 'auto'
- Allow tick formatters to be set with str or function inputs
- New Axes.axline method
- Dates use a modern epoch
- Improved font weight detection
- Axes3D no longer distorts the 3D plot to match the 2D aspect ratio
- More consistent toolbar behavior across backends
- Toolbar icons are now styled for dark themes
- Cursor text now uses a number of significant digits matching pointing precision
- Functions to compute a Path's size
- savefig() gained a backend keyword argument
- Saving SVG now supports adding metadata
- Saving PDF metadata via PGF now consistent with PDF backend
- NbAgg and WebAgg no longer use jQuery & jQuery UI
For the full details please see the [What's New]( and [API changes]( in the documentation.
### 3.2.2
This is the second bugfix release of the 3.2.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
- support fractional HiDPI scaling with Qt backends
- support new Python and fix syntax errors in legacy Python
- support new Qt 5 and fix support for Qt 4
- fix animation writer fallback
- fix figure resizing
- fix handling of large arcs
- fix issues with tight layout
- fix saving figures after closing windows or under certain size conditions
- fix scatter when specifying a single color
- fix several memory leaks
- fix unexpected autoscaling behavior
- fix various issues with usetex
- various minor bug and documentation fixes
### 3.2.1
This is the first bugfix release of the 3.2.x series.
This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
- fix `Quiver.set_UVC` calls with scalar inputs
- fix `bezier.get_parallels` failure from floating point rounding errors
- fix markers specified as tuples (polygons, stars, or asterisks)
- fix saving PNGs to file objects in some places
- fix saving figures using the nbAgg/notebook backend
- fix saving with tight layout using the PGF backend
- fix setting custom datapath in rcParams (note: it is still deprecated)
- fix various issues running in non-CI environments
- fix xpdf distiller
- various minor bug and documentation fixes
### 3.2.0rc1
This is the first release candidate from Matplotlib 3.2
### 3.1.1
The first bug-fix release of the 3.1 series
* Locator.nonsingular return order API change
Lots of backports of various bug fixes.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
This PR updates matplotlib from 3.0.0 to 3.9.2.
### 3.9.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.9.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: - Be more resilient to I/O failures when writing font cache - Fix nondeterministic behavior with subplot spacing and constrained layout - Fix sticky edge tolerance relative to data range - Improve formatting of image values in cases of singular norms Windows wheels now bundle the MSVC runtime DLL statically to avoid inconsistencies with other wheels and random crashes depending on import order. ``` ### 3.9.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.9.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: - Add GitHub artifact attestations for sdist and wheels - Re-add ``; note this function will still be removed at a later date - Allow duplicate backend entry points - Fix `Axes` autoscaling of thin bars at large locations - Fix `Axes` autoscaling with `axhspan` / `axvspan` - Fix `Axes3D` autoscaling of `Line3DCollection` / `Poly3DCollection` - Fix `Axes3D` mouse interactivity with non-default roll angle - Fix box aspect ratios in `Axes3D` with alternate vertical axis - Fix case handling of backends specified as `module://...` - Fix crash with TkAgg on Windows with `tk.window_focus: True` - Fix interactive update of SubFigures - Fix interactivity when using the IPython console - Fix pickling of AxesWidgets and SubFigures - Fix scaling on GTK3Cairo / GTK4Cairo backends - Fix text wrapping within SubFigures - Promote `mpltype` Sphinx role to a public extension; note this is only intended for development reasons ``` ### 3.9.0 ``` Highlights of this release include: - Plotting and Annotation improvements - Axes.inset_axes is no longer experimental - Legend support for Boxplot - Percent sign in pie labels auto-escaped with usetex=True - hatch parameter for stackplot - Add option to plot only one half of violin plot - axhline and axhspan on polar axes - Subplot titles can now be automatically aligned - axisartist can now be used together with standard Formatters - Toggle minorticks on Axis - StrMethodFormatter now respects axes.unicode_minus - Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout - Subfigures now have controllable zorders - Getters for xmargin, ymargin and zmargin - Mathtext improvements - mathtext documentation improvements - mathtext spacing corrections - Widget Improvements - Check and Radio Button widgets support clearing - 3D plotting improvements - Setting 3D axis limits now set the limits exactly - Other improvements - New BackendRegistry for plotting backends - Add widths, heights and angles setter to EllipseCollection - image.interpolation_stage rcParam - Arrow patch position is now modifiable - NonUniformImage now has mouseover support ``` ### 3.9.0rc2 ``` This is the second release candidate for the meso release 3.9.0. ``` ### 3.8.4 ``` This is the fourth micro release of the 3.8 series. Highlights of the 3.8.4 release include: - Enable building against numpy 2.0; released wheels are built against numpy 2 - macosx: Clean up single-shot timers correctly - Add a draw during show for macos backend - Fix color sequence data for Set2 and Set3 - gtk: Ensure pending draws are done before GTK draw - Update "Created with" url in hand.svg - Avoid modifying user input to - fix quiver3d incorrect arrow colors ``` ### 3.8.3 ``` This is the third micro release of the 3.8 series. Highlights of the 3.8.3 release include: - Improvements to the MacOS backend - Fix hanging on `plt.pause` - Fix warnings about "Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state" - Fix crash at exit for PGF backend ``` ### 3.8.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.8 series. Highlights of this release include: - Fix a segfault in the MacOS backend when running on Python 3.12 - Fix Contour labeling manual positions selecting incorrect contours. - Various documentation improvements ``` ### 3.8.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.8.x series. This release contains several bug fixes and adjustments: - Bump setuptools required version because of setuptools_scm v8 - Update ``find_nearest_contour`` and revert contour deprecations - ``allsegs`` and ``allkinds`` return individual segments - Restore default behavior of hexbin mincnt with C provided - Try/except import of Axes3D - Ensure valid path mangling for ContourLabeler - BLD: Remove development dependencies from sdists - FIX 2-tuple of colors in to_rgba_array - Fix issue with non-string labels and legend - Fix issue with locale comma when not using math text - Various type hinting improvements - Various documentation improvements - Improvements to the MacOS backend ``` ### 3.7.5 ``` This is the fifth bugfix release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains two bug-fixes: - Fix hanging on `plt.pause` on the MacOS backend - Fix crash on exit when using the PGF backend on Windows ``` ### 3.7.4 ``` This is the fourth bugfix release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains one bug-fix: - Fix a segmentation fault when resizing on Python 3.12 and macOS 14 ``` ### 3.7.3 ``` This is the third bugfix release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Add Python 3.12 wheels * Update the license for the bundled colorbrewer colormap data * Fix Cairo backend when using cairocffi * Fix axes_grid1 inset axes with `bbox_inches=tight` * Fix bugs in `Path3DCollection` / `Poly3DCollection` constructors * Fix setting array labelcolor on Tick * Improve compatibility with latest NumPy * Stop warning when calling `tight_layout` multiple times ``` ### 3.7.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Avoid modifying input masks in `pcolor`/`pcolormesh` * Fix 3D set_aspect error cases * Fix IPython's `%pylab` mode detection * Fix `Figure.get_constrained_layout_pads()` * Fix `Legend.set_draggable()` with `update="bbox"` * Fix `TransformedBbox.{,full_}contains` * Fix clipping of `bar_label` text * Fix colorbar size when saving with explicit `bbox_inches` * Fix errors when an input is entirely NaN * Fix leaks of exception tracebacks and `LayoutGrid` objects * Fix non-interpolated imshow in PDF export * Fix palettized image optimization in PDF export * Fix pgf tests with TeXLive 2022 * Fix removal of `Axes` that contain widgets that are grabbing the mouse * Fix removal of draggable artists * Fix subslice optimization for long, fully nan lines * Fix tight layout if Figure has an existing layout manager * Fix window extent of AnnotationBbox before first draw * Fix wspace and hspace in subfigures * Improve Qt compatibility * Improve compatibility with Python 3.12 * Prevent under the hood downcasting of values in `xcorr` * Remove some NumPy function overrides from `pylab` * Remove warning with symlog scales on mouseover ``` ### 3.7.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Ensure Qhull license is included in binary wheels * Fix application of rcParams on Axes labels * Fix compatibility with Pandas datetime unit converter * Fix compatibility with latest GTK4 * Fix import of styles with relative path * Fix Lasso unresponsiveness when clicking and immediately releasing * Fix pickling of draggable legends * Fix RangeSlider.set_val when new value is outside existing value * Fix size of Tk spacers when changing display DPI * Fix wrapped text in constrained layout * Improve compatibility with third-party backends * Improve error if animation save path does not exist ``` ### 3.6.3 ``` This is the third bugfix release of the 3.6.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Fix Artist removal from `axes_grid1` Axes classes * Fix `inset_locator` in subfigures * Fix `scatter` on masked arrays with units * Fix colorbar ticks with log norm contours * Fix deprecation warnings in GTK4 backend * Fix using relative paths in `HTMLWriter` * Improve failure message from rcParams string validation for tuple inputs * Improve performance of QtAgg backends * No longer modify `pil_kwargs` argument to `imsave` and `savefig` ``` ### 3.6.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.6.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Avoid mutating dictionaries passed to `subplots` * Fix `bbox_inches='tight'` on a figure with constrained layout enabled * Fix auto-scaling of `ax.hist` density with `histtype='step'` * Fix compatibility with PySide6 6.4 * Fix evaluating colormaps on non-NumPy arrays * Fix key reporting in pick events * Fix thread check on PyPy 3.8 * Handle input to `` that is all NaN * Make rubber band more visible on Tk and Wx backends * Restore (and warn on) seaborn styles in `style.library` * Restore `get_renderer` function in deprecated `tight_layout` * nb/webagg: Fix resize handle on WebKit browsers (e.g., Safari) ``` ### 3.6.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.6.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * A warning is no longer raised when constrained layout explicitly disabled and tight layout is applied * Add missing `get_cmap` method to `ColormapRegistry` * Adding a colorbar on a `ScalarMappable` that is not attached to an `Axes` is now deprecated instead of raising a hard error * Fix `barplot` being empty when first element is NaN * Fix `FigureManager.resize` on GTK4 * Fix `fill_between` compatibility with NumPy 1.24 development version * Fix `hexbin` with empty arrays and log scaling * Fix `resize_event` deprecation warnings when creating figure on macOS * Fix build in mingw * Fix compatibility with PyCharm's interagg backend * Fix crash on empty `Text` in PostScript backend * Fix generic font families in SVG exports * Fix horizontal colorbars with hatches * Fix misplaced mathtext using `eqnarray` * `stackplot` no longer changes the Axes cycler ``` ### 3.5.3 ``` This is the third bugfix release of the 3.5.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Fix alignment of over/under symbols * Fix bugs in colorbars: * alpha of extensions * `drawedges=True` with extensions * handling of `panchor=False` * Fix builds on Cygwin and IBM i * Fix contour labels in `SubFigure`s * Fix cursor output: * for `imshow` with all negative values * when using `BoundaryNorm` * Fix interactivity in IPython/Jupyter * Fix NaN handling in `errorbar` * Fix NumPy conversion from AstroPy unit arrays * Fix positional *markerfmt* passed to `stem` * Fix unpickling: * crash loading in a separate process * incorrect DPI when HiDPI screens ``` ### 3.5.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.5.x series. This release contains several bug-fixes and adjustments: * Add support for Windows on ARM (source-only; no wheels provided yet) * Add year to concise date formatter when displaying less than 12 months * Disable `QuadMesh` mouse cursor to avoid severe performance regression in `pcolormesh` * Delay backend selection to allow choosing one in more cases * Fix automatic layout bugs in EPS output * Fix autoscaling of `scatter` plots * Fix clearing of subfigures * Fix colorbar exponents, inversion of extensions, and use on inset axes * Fix compatibility with various NumPy-like classes (e.g., Pandas, xarray, etc.) * Fix constrained layout bugs with mixed subgrids * Fix `errorbar` with dashes * Fix errors in conversion to GTK4 and Qt6 * Fix figure options accidentally re-ordering data * Fix keyboard focus of TkAgg backend * Fix manual selection of contour labels * Fix path effects on text with whitespace * Fix `quiver` in subfigures * Fix `RangeSlider.set_val` displaying incorrectly * Fix regressions in collection data limits * Fix `stairs` with no edgecolor * Fix some leaks in Tk backends * Fix tight layout DPI confusion * Fix tool button customizability and some tool manager bugs * Only set Tk HiDPI scaling-on-map for Windows systems * Partially allow TTC font collection files by selecting the first font ``` ### 3.5.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.5.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix installation issues when setting a default backend * fix `add_lines` on horizontal colorbars * fix `streamplot` with start points on right or top edge * fix colorbars with boundaries or `NoNorm` * fix colorbars with negative contours * fix colorbars with tight layout * fix setting Axis label alignment to center * fix subfigure tight bounding box * fix subplot parameter window on macosx backend * fix unit handling in `Collections.set_offsets` * fix unyt integration in `errorbar` * re-display date offset in `ConciseDataFormatter` after zoom * reduce `do_3d_projection` deprecation warnings in external artists ``` ### 3.4.3 ``` This is the third bugfix release of the 3.4.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Clarify deprecation of `Axes.figbox` * Disable `MultiCursor` widget on `Axes` subplots which it is not tracking * Don't simplify path in `LineCollection.get_segments` * Fix DPI in subfigures, affecting tick spacing, and scatter marker size * Fix broken EPS output when using Type 42 STIX fonts * Fix change in tick behaviour when calling `Axes.clear` * Fix class docstrings for `Norm`s created from `Scale`s * Fix compatibility with NumPy 1.21.0 * Fix crash on broken TrueType fonts * Fix incorrect hits from `Path.intersects_path` * Fix leak if affine_transform is passed invalid vertices * Fix legends of `stackplot` with `edgecolors='face'` * Fix plot directive when building in parallel * Fix `supxlabel` and `supylabel` behaviour in constrained layout * Fix tests with latest Inkscape and Ghostscript * Improve `DateFormatter` styling for month names when `usetex=True` * Re-disable autoscaling after interactive zoom * Work around bug in Pillow 8.3.0 ``` ### 3.4.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.4.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3.{0,1} * Fix compatibility with Python 3.10 * Add `subplot_mosaic` Axes in the order the user gave them to us * Correctly handle 'none' *facecolors* in `do_3d_projection` * Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there's no HOME * Fix `CenteredNorm` with *halfrange* * Fix `bar_label` for bars with NaN values * Fix clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure * Fix creation of `RangeSlider` with *valinit* * Fix handling of "d" glyph in backend_ps, fixing EPS output * Fix handling of datetime coordinates in `pcolormesh` with Pandas * Fix processing of some `errorbar` arguments * Fix removal of shared polar Axes * Fix resetting grid visibility * Fix subfigure indexing error and tight bbox * Fix textbox cursor color * Fix TkAgg event loop error on window close * Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors) ``` ### 3.4.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.4.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix errorbar when specifying fillstyle * fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows for tests * fix legends of colour-mapped scatter plots * fix positioning of annotation fancy arrows * fix size and color rendering for 3D scatter plots * fix suptitle manual positioning when using constrained layout * respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well ``` ### 3.4.0 ``` Highlights of this release include: - Figure and Axes creation / management - New subfigure functionality - Single-line string notation for `subplot_mosaic` - Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (`gca`, `add_axes`, `add_subplot`) - `add_subplot`/`add_axes` gained an *axes_class* parameter - Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout - Plotting methods - `axline` supports transform parameter - New automatic labeling for bar charts - A list of hatches can be specified to `bar` and `barh` - Setting `BarContainer` orientation - Contour plots now default to using `ScalarFormatter` - `Axes.errorbar` cycles non-color properties correctly - `errorbar` *errorevery* parameter matches *markevery* - `hexbin` supports data reference for *C* parameter - Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels - `Axes.spines` access shortcuts - New `stairs` method and `StepPatch` artist - Added *orientation* parameter for stem plots - Angles on Bracket arrow styles - `TickedStroke` patheffect - Colors and colormaps - Collection color specification and mapping - Transparency (alpha) can be set as an array in collections - pcolormesh has improved transparency handling by enabling snapping - IPython representations for Colormap objects - `Colormap.set_extremes` and `Colormap.with_extremes` - Get under/over/bad colors of Colormap objects - New `cm.unregister_cmap` function - New `CenteredNorm` for symmetrical data around a center - New `FuncNorm` for arbitrary normalizations - GridSpec-based colorbars can now be positioned above or to the left of the main axes - Titles, ticks, and labels - supxlabel and supylabel - Shared-axes `subplots` tick label visibility is now correct for top or left labels - An iterable object with labels can be passed to `Axes.plot` - Fonts and Text - Text transform can rotate text direction - `matplotlib.mathtext` now supports *overset* and *underset* LaTeX symbols - *math_fontfamily* parameter to change `Text` font family - `TextArea`/`AnchoredText` support *horizontalalignment* - PDF supports URLs on Text artists - rcParams improvements - New rcParams for dates: set converter and whether to use interval_multiples - Date formatters now respect *usetex* rcParam - Setting *image.cmap* to a Colormap - Tick and tick label colors can be set independently using rcParams - 3D Axes improvements - Errorbar method in 3D Axes - Stem plots in 3D Axes - 3D Collection properties are now modifiable - Panning in 3D Axes - Interactive tool improvements - New `RangeSlider` widget - Sliders can now snap to arbitrary values - Pausing and Resuming Animations - Sphinx extensions - `plot_directive` *caption* option - Backend-specific improvements - Consecutive rasterized draws now merged - Support raw/rgba frame format in `FFMpegFileWriter` - nbAgg/WebAgg support middle-click and double-click - nbAgg support binary communication - Indexed color for PNG images in PDF files when possible - Improved font subsettings in PDF/PS - Kerning added to strings in PDFs - Fully-fractional HiDPI in QtAgg - wxAgg supports fullscreen toggle ``` ### 3.4.0rc3 ``` This is the third release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0. ``` ### 3.4.0rc2 ``` This is the second release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0. ``` ### 3.4.0rc1 ``` This is the first release candidate for Matplotlib 3.4.0. ``` ### 3.3.4 ``` This is the fourth bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Fix WebAgg initialization. * Fix parsing `QT_API` setting with mixed case. * Fix build with link-time optimization disabled in environment. * Fix test compatibility with NumPy 1.20. * Fix test compatibility with pytest 6.2. ``` ### 3.3.3 ``` This is the third bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Fix calls to `Axis.grid` with argument `visible=True`. * Fix fully masked `imshow`. * Fix inconsistent color mapping in scatter for 3D plots. * Fix notebook/nbAgg figures when used with ipywidgets in the same cell. * Fix notebook/nbAgg/WebAgg on older (e.g., Firefox ESR) browsers. * Fix pcolormesh with `datetime` coordinates. * Fix performance regression with `datetime`s. * Fix singular ticks with small log ranges. * Fix timers/animations on wx and notebook backends. * Remove certifi as a hard runtime dependency. ``` ### 3.3.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix `Axis` scale on twinned `Axes` * fix auto-close of `Figure`s in nbagg * fix automatic title placement if `Axes` is off the `Figure` * fix autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram * fix extra redraws when using `Button` or `TextBox` widgets * fix imshow with `LogNorm` and large vmin/vmax ranges * fix plotting Pandas `DataFrame` with string `MultiIndex` * fix `scatter` with `marker=''` * fix `scatter3d` color/linewidth re-projection * fix state of mode buttons in TkAgg backends * include license files in built distribution * reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows ``` ### 3.3.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix docstring import issues when running Python with optimization * fix `hist` with categorical data, such as with Pandas * fix install on BSD systems * fix nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+ * fix ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots * fix performance regression when plotting `Path`s * fix reading from URL in `imread` * fix several regressions with new date epoch handling * fix some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars * fix use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends ``` ### 3.3.0 ``` Highlights of this release include: - Provisional API for composing semantic axes layouts from text or nested lists - New Axes.sharex, Axes.sharey methods - Turbo colormap - colors.BoundaryNorm supports extend keyword argument - Text color for legend labels - Pcolor and Pcolormesh now accept shading='nearest' and 'auto' - Allow tick formatters to be set with str or function inputs - New Axes.axline method - Dates use a modern epoch - Improved font weight detection - Axes3D no longer distorts the 3D plot to match the 2D aspect ratio - More consistent toolbar behavior across backends - Toolbar icons are now styled for dark themes - Cursor text now uses a number of significant digits matching pointing precision - Functions to compute a Path's size - savefig() gained a backend keyword argument - Saving SVG now supports adding metadata - Saving PDF metadata via PGF now consistent with PDF backend - NbAgg and WebAgg no longer use jQuery & jQuery UI For the full details please see the [What's New]( and [API changes]( in the documentation. ``` ### 3.2.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.2.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: - support fractional HiDPI scaling with Qt backends - support new Python and fix syntax errors in legacy Python - support new Qt 5 and fix support for Qt 4 - fix animation writer fallback - fix figure resizing - fix handling of large arcs - fix issues with tight layout - fix saving figures after closing windows or under certain size conditions - fix scatter when specifying a single color - fix several memory leaks - fix unexpected autoscaling behavior - fix various issues with usetex - various minor bug and documentation fixes ``` ### 3.2.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.2.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: - fix `Quiver.set_UVC` calls with scalar inputs - fix `bezier.get_parallels` failure from floating point rounding errors - fix markers specified as tuples (polygons, stars, or asterisks) - fix saving PNGs to file objects in some places - fix saving figures using the nbAgg/notebook backend - fix saving with tight layout using the PGF backend - fix setting custom datapath in rcParams (note: it is still deprecated) - fix various issues running in non-CI environments - fix xpdf distiller - various minor bug and documentation fixes ``` ### 3.2.0rc1 ``` This is the first release candidate from Matplotlib 3.2 ``` ### 3.1.1 ``` The first bug-fix release of the 3.1 series * Locator.nonsingular return order API change Lots of backports of various bug fixes. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: