gasparrini / dlnm

R package dlnm
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Support models built by glmmTMB #4

Closed hblanks closed 3 years ago

hblanks commented 5 years ago

glmmTMB offers a sometimes faster alternative to lme4. Add support for it by:

Please note: I have verified that these changes work for glmmTMB models, but have not yet fit the models using glmer / lme4. I should have time to do that this week, though, and verify that they yield fairly equivalent results.

This PR is marked as a "Draft" pull request until I can verify that; I just figured I'd start sharing this your way now, so you can weight in as needed.

gasparrini commented 3 years ago

Sorry for replying so late about this pull request. I would be happy to include glmmTMB in the list of functions for which the prediction is automatic, but this would imply adding it to the list of suggested packages, with detrimental effects of portability. I think the provision of coef/vcov/ arguments offers an easy way to implement dlnm functions with this package.

Thanks for the interest. -Antonio Gasparrini

hblanks commented 3 years ago

No worries! Thanks for the help on this last year.