gastsail / CocktailApp

Cocktails Android App with Clean Architecture, MVVM , Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Components , Room, Dagger Hilt, Cache Strategy and Coroutines Flow
MIT License
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Please Expand the README with details of how the architecture works with caching strategy and other important details. #5

Closed iudragon closed 4 years ago

iudragon commented 4 years ago

The repo is meant for architecture and presumably it is meant for other developers to refer it. So can you please add details to README on how the cache strategy is defined, how is the app workflow and other necessary details that you feel are important and would benefit learners like me.

gastsail commented 4 years ago

Hey thanks a lot for stopping by 😃 , in the Readme there is an image that specifies the architecture, in the image you can see that you start from the UI layer doing a request that the viewmodel will handle, then the viewmodel is the layer that will communicate with the repository, here, if you see the code there is a DefaultDataSource in which returns the data from the cache and then retrieves fresh data from the server, if you need more details you can check this link

Edit: I will try to rename some components to make it clearer for you but in the end the architecture is as described in the link above