gatech-genemark / GeneMark-EP-plus

GeneMark-EP and -EP+: automatic eukaryotic gene prediction supported by spliced aligned proteins
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Error installing GeneMark-ESETEP #5

Closed ShailNair closed 2 years ago

ShailNair commented 2 years ago


I installed the latest version of GeneMark-ESETEP on centos-7 (x64). When i run bash check_install.bash I get the following error: Checking GeneMark-ES installation Checking Perl setup All required Perl modules were found Checking GeneMark.hmm setup File gmhmme3 is not an executable or does not exist**

but gmhmme3 exist in the GeneMark-ESETEP directory and also the .gm_key in home directory

tomasbruna commented 2 years ago

Did you try to execute gmhmme3 directly (just with ./gmhmme3)? What message does that give?

ShailNair commented 2 years ago

I changed the directory to the genemarks directory containing gmhmme3 file.

gmhmme3 **Command not found**

bash gmhmme3 **Unable to execute binary**

changing the permission of file chmod +x gmhmme3 did not make any difference.

Meanwhile, I used the same genemarks package on my ubuntu virtual machine and did not see this error.

tomasbruna commented 2 years ago

You need to run it like this


Without the ./ symbol, Linux will look for gmhmme3 in your $PATH.

ShailNair commented 2 years ago

gmhmme3 No such file or directory

I have added the $PATH to bashrc file export PATH=/home/GeneMark-ESETEP.4.69

Do in need to SET gmhmme3 PATH?

tomasbruna commented 2 years ago

No need for adjusting the PATH, just use the "./" prefix when running the binary.

ShailNair commented 2 years ago

Thanks. it did work. Strangely, check_install.bash also ran without error, which before through error from the same working directory.

Thank you.