gateio / gateapi-python

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Can't place order with leverage more then 1 on Margin #74

Closed Workingsolutions1 closed 2 years ago

Workingsolutions1 commented 2 years ago

Same things like for c#, for python it doesn't work as well, next code:

`# !/usr/bin/env python

coding: utf-8

import logging import random from decimal import Decimal as D, ROUND_UP, getcontext

from gate_api import ApiClient, Configuration, Loan, MarginApi, Order, RepayRequest, SpotApi, Transfer, WalletApi from gate_api.exceptions import GateApiException

from config import RunConfig

logger = logging.getLogger(name)

def margin_demo():

currency_pair = "AGLD_USDT"
currency = "USDT"

host_used = ""
api_key = "key1"
api_secret = "key2"
# Initialize API client
# Setting host is optional. It defaults to
config = Configuration(key=api_key, secret=api_secret, host=host_used)

spot_api = SpotApi(ApiClient(config))
margin_api = MarginApi(ApiClient(config))
wallet_api = WalletApi(ApiClient(config))

# retrieve currency pair last price
tickers = spot_api.list_tickers(currency_pair=currency_pair)
assert len(tickers) == 1
last_price = tickers[0].last
print("currency pair %s last price %s", currency_pair, last_price)

# Print margin_acc value
margin_acc = margin_api.list_margin_accounts()

# create margin order
order = Order(account='margin', currency_pair=currency_pair, price=last_price, amount="65",
              side='buy', auto_borrow=True)
    created_order = spot_api.create_order(order)"margin order created with id %s, status %s",, created_order.status)
except GateApiException as ex:
    logger.error("failed to create margin order: %s", ex)


That's result:

currency pair %s last price %s AGLD_USDT 3.6506 [{'base': {'available': '0.014110300371', 'borrowed': '0', 'currency': 'AGLD', 'interest': '0', 'locked': '0'}, 'currency_pair': 'AGLD_USDT', 'locked': False, 'quote': {'available': '158.677108476601', 'borrowed': '0', 'currency': 'USDT', 'interest': '0', 'locked': '0'}, 'risk': '9999.99'}, {'base': {'available': '0.000099', 'borrowed': '0', 'currency': 'BTC', 'interest': '0', 'locked': '0'}, 'currency_pair': 'BTC_USDT', 'locked': False, 'quote': {'available': '5', 'borrowed': '0', 'currency': 'USDT', 'interest': '0', 'locked': '0'}, 'risk': '9999.99'}] failed to create margin order: (400) Reason: Bad Request HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Sun, 10 Oct 2021 14:25:53 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '86', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Server': 'openresty', 'X-Request-Id': '[532fecb0-2374045718]'}) HTTP response body: {"label":"AUTO_BORROW_TOO_MUCH","message":"auto borrow amount exceeds max borrowable"}

What to do with it ? Looks like there is no normal option to set leveraged order on isolated margin for some reason

revilwang commented 2 years ago

The answer has been replied in the corresponding csharp issue gateio/gateapi-csharp#12 . This one will be closed