gateship-one / odyssey

Odyssey music player
GNU General Public License v3.0
232 stars 39 forks source link

Ogg Vorbis track not playing #109

Closed raphj closed 6 years ago

raphj commented 6 years ago


I have an ogg vorbis file not playing correctly in Odyssey but playing fine in VLC.

This song can be downloaded using youtube-dl:

youtube-dl -x\?v\=hcm55lU9knw

My phone is a Lenovo P2 running a LineageOS-based custom rom.

Relevant logcat:

12-30 11:12:40.280  4012  4012 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0
12-30 11:12:40.282  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.283  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.283  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.283  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.283  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.283  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.325  4012  4012 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0
12-30 11:12:40.332  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.332  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.340 24252 24252 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) }
12-30 11:12:40.340 24252 24252 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent: android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
12-30 11:12:40.347  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.348  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.348  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.348  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.368 24252 24252 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) }
12-30 11:12:40.368 24252 24252 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Intent: android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
12-30 11:12:40.459  3029  3418 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
12-30 11:12:40.463  3029 26551 I MediaFocusControl:  AudioFocus  requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10165/24829 req=1 flags=0x0
12-30 11:12:40.465 24829 24846 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
12-30 11:12:40.465 24829 24846 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
12-30 11:12:40.517  2606  7238 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe8835900), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
12-30 11:12:40.522 24829 24846 V OdysseyGaplessPlayer: Opening effect session: 18849
12-30 11:12:40.525  2606 10008 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xe8835900), state is 4, eos is 0
12-30 11:12:40.525  2606  7238 I GenericSource: start
12-30 11:12:40.534  2606  7238 W Utils   : track of type 'audio/vorbis' does not publish channel mask, channel count 2
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 V qcbassboost: 
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   EffectCreate start session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 E qcbassboost:   EffectCreate: Allocating SessionNo 0 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 V qcbassboost: 
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   EffectCreate created ctxt 0xe92d0200 for session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 D offload_effect_pbe: pbe_load_config pbe_app_type = 0x00011134
12-30 11:12:40.535  2597  2597 D offload_effect_pbe: pbe_load_config ret = 0, len = 176
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 0
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0200
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   pbe_init start
12-30 11:12:40.536  2606  7238 W Utils   : track of type 'audio/vorbis' does not publish channel mask, channel count 2
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params pbe_app_type = 0x00011134
12-30 11:12:40.536  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params ret = 0, len = 176
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 D offload_effect_pbe: pbe_load_config pbe_app_type = 0x00011134
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 D offload_effect_pbe: pbe_load_config ret = 0, len = 176
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  8602 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: Direct PCM is disabled for this request
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_setConfig: ctxt 0xe92d0200
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0200
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  8602 I AudioFlinger: openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 44100, Format 0x7000000, Channels 3, flags 31
12-30 11:12:40.537  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   pbe_init start
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params pbe_app_type = 0x00011134
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params ret = 0, len = 176
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 9
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICEi(2) enable BASS_PBE
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  2597 I offload_effect_bb: bassboost_set_device: ctxt 0xe78fdc98, disabled based on device
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  8602 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: enter: format(0x7000000) sample_rate(44100) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x31)        stream_handle(0xe767f000)
12-30 11:12:40.538  2597  8602 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xe767f000) picks up usecase (compress-offload-playback)
12-30 11:12:40.539  2597  8602 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 65536 frames, normal sink buffer size 65536 frames
12-30 11:12:40.539  2597  7245 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xe7b70000 ready to run
12-30 11:12:40.542  2597  8602 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0xea003900
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  8182 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 8
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  8182 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_getParameter(): ctxt 0xe92d0200, param 0, 
12-30 11:12:40.543  4012  4012 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_setConfig: ctxt 0xe92d0200
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start
12-30 11:12:40.543  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0200
12-30 11:12:40.544  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   pbe_init start
12-30 11:12:40.544  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params pbe_app_type = 0x00011134
12-30 11:12:40.544  2597  2597 D pbecalconfig: pbe_load_acdb_params ret = 0, len = 176
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 9
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  2597 V qcbassboost:   EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICEi(2) enable BASS_PBE
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  2597 I offload_effect_bb: bassboost_set_device: ctxt 0xe78fdc98, disabled based on device
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  : 
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      EffectCreate start session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 E qcvirt  :      EffectCreate: Allocating SessionNo 0 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  : 
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      EffectCreate created ctxt 0xe92d0e00 for session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 0
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_init start ctxt 0xe92d0e00
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_setConfig, ctxt 0xe92d0e00
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_init start ctxt 0xe92d0e00
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 9
12-30 11:12:40.545  2597  8181 I qcvirt  :      EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE device(0x2) is invalid for VIRTUALIZER
12-30 11:12:40.546  2597  8181 I offload_effect_virtualizer: virtualizer_set_device: ctxt 0xeb2b2d20, disabled based on device
12-30 11:12:40.547  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 8
12-30 11:12:40.547  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_getParameter, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, param 0
12-30 11:12:40.548  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb: 
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      EffectCreate start session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 E qcreverb:      EffectCreate: Allocating SessionNo 0 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      EffectCreate - UUID matched Reverb type 3, UUID = b08a0e38
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      EffectCreate - PRESET
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      EffectCreate - INS
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb: 
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      EffectCreate created ctxt 0xe92d0980 for session 18849
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0980, cmd 0
12-30 11:12:40.548  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      Reverb_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:40.548  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.548  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.548  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:40.548  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.548  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:40.549  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0980, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:40.549  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      Reverb_setConfig, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:40.549  2597  8601 V qcreverb:      Reverb_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:40.552  3029  3029 D ZenLog  : intercepted: 0|org.gateshipone.odyssey|42|null|10165,alarmsOnly
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 9
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 I qcvirt  :      EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE device(0x2) is invalid for VIRTUALIZER
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 9
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 V qcbassboost:   EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICEi(2) enable BASS_PBE
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 I offload_effect_bb: bassboost_set_device: ctxt 0xe78fdc98, disabled based on device
12-30 11:12:40.553  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
12-30 11:12:40.554  3029  3029 V NotificationService: pkg=org.gateshipone.odyssey canInterrupt=false intercept=true
12-30 11:12:40.558  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):calling compress flush
12-30 11:12:40.558  2597  7245 W audio_hw_primary: out_flush called in invalid state 0
12-30 11:12:40.558  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):out of compress flush
12-30 11:12:40.559  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: music_offload_sample_rate=44100
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  3249 V qcbassboost:   Effect_command: ctxt 0xe92d0200, cmd 5
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  3249 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_setParameter(): ctxt 0xe92d0200, param 1, value: 0
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  3249 V qcbassboost:   BassBoost_setParameter() BASSBOOST_PARAM_STRENGTH value is 0
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  3249 D qcbassboost: BassBoost_setParameter ignore set strength
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  3249 D offload_effect_bass: bass_set_parameter ignore set strength, index 1
12-30 11:12:40.568  2597  8181 V qcreverb:      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0980, cmd 5
12-30 11:12:40.569  2597  8181 V qcreverb: Reverb_setParameter: ctxt 0xe92d0980, param: 0, value: 0
12-30 11:12:40.569  2597  8181 V qcreverb:      Reverb_updateCfg, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:40.572  3029  3029 V NotificationService: pkg=org.gateshipone.odyssey canInterrupt=false intercept=true
12-30 11:12:40.573  2597  4073 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 5
12-30 11:12:40.573  2597  4073 V qcvirt  : Virtualizer_setParameter: ctxt 0xe92d0e00, param: 1, value: 0
12-30 11:12:40.573  2597  4073 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_setParameter() VIRTUALIZER_PARAM_STRENGTH value is 0
12-30 11:12:40.575  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Active sessions changed, 2 sessions
12-30 11:12:40.575  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Updating media controller to
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Metadata updated but no change!
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updatePlayPauseState, state: PlaybackState {state=3, position=10, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218133757, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Device: no name: 
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : isPlayStateTobeUpdated: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : maxAvrcpConnections: 1
12-30 11:12:40.577  4825  4900 I Avrcp   : updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Focus gained for player: org.gateshipone.odyssey
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit updateCurrentMediaController()
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit onActiveSessionsChanged()
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : MSG_UPDATE_RCC_CHANGE
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : processRCCStateChange: org.gateshipone.odyssey
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updateAddressedMediaPlayer
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : current Player: 0
12-30 11:12:40.578  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Requested Player: 0
12-30 11:12:40.582  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : MediaController metadata changed
12-30 11:12:40.582  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Metadata updated but no change!
12-30 11:12:40.584  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updatePlayPauseState, state: PlaybackState {state=3, position=17, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218133764, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Device: no name: 
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : isPlayStateTobeUpdated: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : maxAvrcpConnections: 1
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 I Avrcp   : updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit onMetadataChanged()
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : MediaController metadata changed
12-30 11:12:40.585  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Metadata updated but no change!
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updatePlayPauseState, state: PlaybackState {state=3, position=18, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218133765, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Device: no name: 
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : isPlayStateTobeUpdated: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : maxAvrcpConnections: 1
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 I Avrcp   : updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
12-30 11:12:40.586  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit onMetadataChanged()
12-30 11:12:40.597  3469  3469 D ro      : inflating media notification
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xe767f000)usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) devices(0x2)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 E audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_perf_lock_acquire: Failed to acquire perf lock, err: -1
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (compress-offload-playback)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 44100 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 3 device (speaker)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(1)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: becf: new_snd_devices[0] is speaker
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 sample rate: 44100 channels: 2
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on non-44.1-support device Configure afe to default Sample Rate(48k)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: only 48KHZ sample rate is supported Configure afe to default Sample Rate(48k)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 E msm8916_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (42) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 D aud_dev_arbi: acquireOneDevice: device owner for device 2 is 1
12-30 11:12:40.632  2597  7245 I amplifier_lenovo_p2: amp_enable_output_devices:87: Enabling amplifier music mode
12-30 11:12:40.686  2597  7245 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
12-30 11:12:40.686  2597  7245 E audio_hw_dolby: audio_extn_dolby_ds2_set_endpoint: Dolby set endpint :0x2
12-30 11:12:40.686  2597  7245 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 3 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
12-30 11:12:40.686  2597  7245 D sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 1, concurrency session_allowed 1
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PLAYBACK app_type = 69936, acdb_dev_id = 14, sample_rate = 48000
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(34)
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 14, path = 0, app id = 0x11130, sample rate = 48000
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 456
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 14, Topology Id 1025e
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 14 path = 0
12-30 11:12:40.687  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: compress-offload-playback smartpa
12-30 11:12:40.689  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
12-30 11:12:40.689  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map9
12-30 11:12:40.689  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
12-30 11:12:40.700  3469  3481 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 202467(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 32MB/53MB, paused 1.109ms total 111.925ms
12-30 11:12:40.721  8118  8118 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
12-30 11:12:40.724  2597  7252 D offload_visualizer: thread enter
12-30 11:12:40.725  2597  7245 E audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_perf_lock_release: Perf lock release error 
12-30 11:12:40.725  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
12-30 11:12:40.725  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):send new gapless metadata
12-30 11:12:40.736  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.737  8118  8118 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=49
12-30 11:12:40.737  3029  3407 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:NETGEAR65-5Gfalse,false
12-30 11:12:40.747  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.758  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.769  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.780  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.791  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.804  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.817  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.828  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.839  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.851  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.862  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.874  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.885  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.896  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.908  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.919  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.930  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.942  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.953  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.965  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.974  3469  3469 D StatusBar: notification is for you
12-30 11:12:40.977  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:40.986  3469  3479 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients beforehand.  Releasing leaked death recipient:
12-30 11:12:40.999  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.010  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.021  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.033  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.044  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.055  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.067  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.078  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.089  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.101  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.113  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.124  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.136  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.147  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.158  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.169  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.181  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.192  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.203  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.215  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.226  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.238  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.250  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.261  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.273  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.284  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.296  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.308  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.319  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.331  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.344  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.355  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.366  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.377  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.388  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.399  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.410  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.421  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.433  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.444  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.447  4012  4012 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0
12-30 11:12:41.449  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:41.449  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:41.449  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:41.449  3888  3888 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:41.449  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
12-30 11:12:41.449  4924  4924 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK
12-30 11:12:41.455  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.467  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.478  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.489  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.500  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.511  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.522  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.537  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.549  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.561  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.572  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.584  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.597  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.608  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.620  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.631  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.643  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.655  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.667  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.679  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.692  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.703  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.715  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.726  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.738  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.750  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.761  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.773  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.785  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.796  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.808  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.820  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.832  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.844  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.855  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.866  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.877  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.889  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.900  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.911  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.922  2613  2613 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
12-30 11:12:41.922  2613  2613 E cnss-daemon: gateway mac address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
12-30 11:12:41.922  2613  2613 E cnss-daemon: : 00:00:00:00:00:00
12-30 11:12:41.922  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.923  2613  2613 E cnss-daemon: Invalid mac address: 0x555555f110M
12-30 11:12:41.923  2613  2613 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
12-30 11:12:41.937  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.948  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.959  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.971  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.983  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:41.994  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.005  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.017  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.029  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.040  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.052  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.064  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.075  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.087  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.098  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.110  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.121  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.133  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.144  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.155  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.167  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.179  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.190  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.201  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.213  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.225  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.236  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.248  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.259  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.271  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.282  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.293  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.306  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.318  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.330  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.335  2591  2596 I smart_charger: is_backlight_on ,lcd backlight  = 1,  
12-30 11:12:42.335  2591  2596 I smart_charger: smart_charger_do_thermal ,lcd on sence count 3
12-30 11:12:42.335  2591  2596 I smart_charger: call_state = 0,  is_telephone_calling 
12-30 11:12:42.336  2591  2596 I smart_charger: is_cqa_test ,cqa test  = 0,  
12-30 11:12:42.336  2591  2596 I smart_charger: factorymode = 0(0),  is_factory_build 
12-30 11:12:42.336  2591  2596 I smart_charger: smart_charger_do_thermal , bat_temp = 282  , charger_type = 1 , Charger_Scene = 2 
12-30 11:12:42.336  2591  2596 I smart_charger: smart_charger_current_input , curr = 500 
12-30 11:12:42.337  2591  2596 I smart_charger: smart_charger_current_ibat , curr = 500 
12-30 11:12:42.340  2591  2596 I smart_charger: smart_charger_do_thermal , usb,  nothing  to do ! 
12-30 11:12:42.341  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.354  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.367  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.378  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.390  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.401  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.412  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.423  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.435  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.447  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.459  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.470  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.482  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.493  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.504  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.515  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.526  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.538  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.550  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.561  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.572  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.583  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.595  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.607  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.618  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.630  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.642  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.654  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.665  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.677  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.689  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.703  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.715  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.727  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.739  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.751  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.751  2606  7250 D NuPlayerDecoderPassThrough: return aggregated buffer and save err(=-1011) for later
12-30 11:12:42.762  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.774  2606  7242 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
12-30 11:12:42.775  2597  7243 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):calling compress_partial_drain
12-30 11:12:42.797  2597  7243 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):out of compress_partial_drain
12-30 11:12:42.798  2606  7238 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe8835900), (2, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
12-30 11:12:42.804 24829 24846 V OdysseyStateManager: save state
12-30 11:12:42.819  2597  4073 V qcbassboost:   EffectRelease: Releasing Effect 0xe92d0200 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:42.819  2597  4073 V qcvirt  :      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0e00, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:42.819  2597  4073 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_setConfig, ctxt 0xe92d0e00
12-30 11:12:42.819  2597  4073 V qcvirt  :      Virtualizer_init start ctxt 0xe92d0e00
12-30 11:12:42.820  2597  8181 V qcvirt  :      EffectRelease: Releasing Effect 0xe92d0e00 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:42.820  2597  8181 V qcreverb:      Effect_command, ctxt 0xe92d0980, cmd 1
12-30 11:12:42.820  2597  8181 V qcreverb:      Reverb_setConfig, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:42.820  2597  8181 V qcreverb:      Reverb_init start, ctxt 0xe92d0980
12-30 11:12:42.821  2597  4073 V qcreverb:      EffectRelease: Releasing Effect 0xe92d0980 for SessionId 18849
12-30 11:12:42.833  2613  2613 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
12-30 11:12:42.850  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : MediaController playback changed: PlaybackState {state=2, position=0, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218136029, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
12-30 11:12:42.851  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updatePlayPauseState, state: PlaybackState {state=2, position=0, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218136029, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
12-30 11:12:42.851  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Device: no name: 
12-30 11:12:42.851  4825  4900 I Avrcp   : updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
12-30 11:12:42.851  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit onPlaybackStateChanged()
12-30 11:12:42.852  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : MediaController metadata changed
12-30 11:12:42.852  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Metadata updated but no change!
12-30 11:12:42.853  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : updatePlayPauseState, state: PlaybackState {state=2, position=0, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=1218136029, actions=311, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
12-30 11:12:42.853  4825  4900 V Avrcp   : Device: no name: 
12-30 11:12:42.853  4825  4900 I Avrcp   : updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
12-30 11:12:42.853  4825  4900 D Avrcp   : Exit onMetadataChanged()
12-30 11:12:42.856  2606 14396 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe8835900) at state 6
12-30 11:12:42.856  2606 14396 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe8835900), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
12-30 11:12:42.858  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: routing=0
12-30 11:12:42.859  2606  7238 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe8835900)
12-30 11:12:42.859  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: closing=true
12-30 11:12:42.860  2597  2698 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: exiting=1
12-30 11:12:42.860  2597  7243 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):calling compress_drain
12-30 11:12:42.860  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xe767f000) usecase(3: compress-offload-playback)
12-30 11:12:42.861 24829 24846 V OdysseyGaplessPlayer: Closing effect for session: 18849 because playback ended
12-30 11:12:42.861  2597  7243 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):calling compress_drain
12-30 11:12:42.861  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xe767f000):standby
12-30 11:12:42.878  2597  7252 D offload_visualizer: thread exit
12-30 11:12:42.878  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: compress-offload-playback smartpa
12-30 11:12:42.879  2597  7245 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 3 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
12-30 11:12:42.879  2597  7245 D sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
12-30 11:12:42.879  2597  7245 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
12-30 11:12:42.879  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-30 11:12:42.879  2597  7245 D msm8916_platform: platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(-337770113)
12-30 11:12:42.880  2597  7245 I amplifier_lenovo_p2: amp_enable_output_devices:91: Disabling amplifier
12-30 11:12:43.013  2597  7245 D aud_dev_arbi: releaseOneDevice: not sending command, device argument (2) does not match any registered device
12-30 11:12:43.013  2597  7245 D aud_dev_arbi: releaseOneDevice: device 2 owner is 0
12-30 11:12:43.013  2597  7245 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
12-30 11:12:43.013  2597  7245 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
12-30 11:12:43.014  2597  2698 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xe767f000)
12-30 11:12:43.014  2597  2698 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xe767f000) usecase(3: compress-offload-playback)
12-30 11:12:43.014  2597  2698 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
12-30 11:12:43.014  2597  2698 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0xea703640
djselbeck commented 6 years ago

Works on my Xperia XZ (Sony AOSP) without a problem. It is a problem with your LineageOS distribution. Probably something buggy with the Audio Decoding Offloading.

It works in VLC because they have an own playback module and are not depending on the android system mediaplayer framework.

This is currently out of scope for us and our available time ;)

raphj commented 6 years ago

Okay, this confirms what I thought. I'll look into that if I find time and let you know if I find anything.

Thanks for your quick answer :-) Raphaël

EDIT: It was a ROM issue. Everything works okay now :-)