Closed jpaaso closed 5 years ago
The alignment task is taken to a failed state if there are no ALT contigs (ref_alt file has no content). Why is this?
In the command ref_alt is not used but there's an if statement requiring this:
# if ref_alt has data in it, if [ -s ${ref_alt} ]; then java -Xms5000m -jar /usr/gitc/picard.jar \ SamToFastq \ INPUT=${input_bam} \ FASTQ=/dev/stdout \ INTERLEAVE=true \ NON_PF=true | \ /usr/gitc/${bwa_commandline} /dev/stdin - 2> >(tee ${output_bam_basename}.bwa.stderr.log >&2) | \ java -Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} -Xms3000m -jar /usr/gitc/picard.jar \ MergeBamAlignment \ VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT \ EXPECTED_ORIENTATIONS=FR \ ATTRIBUTES_TO_RETAIN=X0 \ ATTRIBUTES_TO_REMOVE=NM \ ATTRIBUTES_TO_REMOVE=MD \ ALIGNED_BAM=/dev/stdin \ UNMAPPED_BAM=${input_bam} \ OUTPUT=${output_bam_basename}.bam \ REFERENCE_SEQUENCE=${ref_fasta} \ PAIRED_RUN=true \ SORT_ORDER="unsorted" \ IS_BISULFITE_SEQUENCE=false \ ALIGNED_READS_ONLY=false \ CLIP_ADAPTERS=false \ MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=2000000 \ ADD_MATE_CIGAR=true \ MAX_INSERTIONS_OR_DELETIONS=-1 \ PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_STRATEGY=MostDistant \ PROGRAM_RECORD_ID="bwamem" \ PROGRAM_GROUP_VERSION="${bwa_version}" \ PROGRAM_GROUP_COMMAND_LINE="${bwa_commandline}" \ PROGRAM_GROUP_NAME="bwamem" \ UNMAPPED_READ_STRATEGY=COPY_TO_TAG \ ALIGNER_PROPER_PAIR_FLAGS=true \ UNMAP_CONTAMINANT_READS=true \ ADD_PG_TAG_TO_READS=false grep -m1 "read .* ALT contigs" ${output_bam_basename}.bwa.stderr.log | \ grep -v "read 0 ALT contigs" # else ref_alt is empty or could not be found else exit 1; fi
The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to run this with hg19 / b37 reference data.
Thanks! Juho
Hi Juho,
This question is better suited for the dev team, please post this on the GATK forum so they can view your question.
The alignment task is taken to a failed state if there are no ALT contigs (
file has no content). Why is this?In the command
is not used but there's an if statement requiring this:
The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to run this with hg19 / b37 reference data.
Thanks! Juho