gatlinnewhouse / driveraker

A Google Drive to static site generator via Hugo, Pandoc, and Drive.
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

Polish off the main function #7

Closed gatlinnewhouse closed 7 years ago

gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago
gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago

Was working on #3 in the golint suggestions when I ran a test and got this error:

➜ go run src/driveraker.go 
Reading configuration...
Finished reading configuration!
Syncing Google Drive...
drive: Resolving...
Done syncing!
Interpreting command line output...
File paths: [] 
docx file paths: [] 
Converting synced docx files into markdown files...
Adding hugo front-matter to markdown files...
[ERROR] Error compiling a website with hugo:  exit status 255
hugo:  Started building sites ...
ERROR 2017/08/01 20:30:30 failed to parse page metadata for "articles/": invalid character '"' after object key:value pair

Moving compiled hugo site to the production directory...
[ERROR] Error moving hugo compiled site to production directory:  exit status 1
^Csignal: interrupt
gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago

Fixed that issue and ran into another:

➜ go run src/driveraker.go 
Reading configuration...
Finished reading configuration!
Syncing Google Drive...
drive: Resolving...
Exported '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template' to '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template_exports/article_template.docx'
Done syncing!
Interpreting command line output...
File paths: [ to '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template_exports/article_template.docx'] 
docx file paths: [ to '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template_exports/article_template.docx'] 
Converting synced docx files into markdown files...
Converting /home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template_exports/article_template.docx
pandoc:  []
Adding hugo front-matter to markdown files...
Moving inline image to hugo directory...
Moved the image:  []
Deleted line: DRVRKR\_TAGS: tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: DRVRKR\_CATEGORIES: cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: DRVRKR\_PUB\_DATE: 2017 05 04
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: DRVRKR\_UPDATE\_DATE: 2017 06 01
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: <img src="media/image2.png" alt="ggg.png" width="624" height="350" />
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: ##### CAPTION FOR IMAGE (must be under an image)
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: # Headline (write one here, or leave this in)
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: ## Subheader (write one here, or leave this in)
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: #### By NAME1 LAST1, NAME2 LAST2, and NAME3 LAST3 (write name\[s\] here)
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Deleted line: 
 from /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
Moving inline image to hugo directory...
Moving the image:  []
Done moving fff.png
Writing a new inline-image path for /home/deleuze/hugo-test-site/content/articles/
hugo:  Started building sites ...
Built site for language en:
0 draft content
0 future content
0 expired content
1 regular pages created
24 other pages created
0 non-page files copied
0 paginator pages created
4 tags created
4 categories created
total in 6 ms

Moving compiled hugo site to the production directory...
[ERROR] Error moving hugo compiled site to production directory:  exit status 1

This is probably due to not having the /var/www/html/ directory, or not having it in my config, or not having the right permissions on the directory.

gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago

Implementing support for modified documents gameplan:

gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago
➜ go run src/driveraker.go
# command-line-arguments
src/driveraker.go:98: non-name *key on left side of :=
src/driveraker.go:246: non-name *key on left side of :=
src/driveraker.go:269: syntax error: missing { after for clause
➜ go run src/driveraker.go          
# command-line-arguments
src/driveraker.go:98: undefined: key
src/driveraker.go:100: undefined: key
src/driveraker.go:105: undefined: key
src/driveraker.go:245: undefined: i
src/driveraker.go:245: undefined: matches
src/driveraker.go:245: undefined: i
src/driveraker.go:246: undefined: matches
src/driveraker.go:246: undefined: i
src/driveraker.go:247: undefined: matches
src/driveraker.go:247: undefined: i
src/driveraker.go:247: too many errors
➜ go run src/driveraker.go
# command-line-arguments
src/driveraker.go:67: not enough arguments in call to s.saveLoop
    have (string)
    want (string, *sync.WaitGroup)
src/driveraker.go:244: not enough arguments in call to hashtable.saveLoop
    have (string)
    want (string, *sync.WaitGroup)
src/driveraker.go:266: cannot use &saveHashtable (type **sync.WaitGroup) as type *sync.WaitGroup in argument to hashtable.saveLoop
src/driveraker.go:276: undefined: i
src/driveraker.go:284: cannot use modifiedDocuments (type []string) as type string in send
src/driveraker.go:298: undefined: filePathsToSync
src/driveraker.go:298: cannot use &lookupPathsInHashtable (type **sync.WaitGroup) as type *sync.WaitGroup in argument to alreadySyncedAndCompiled
src/driveraker.go:299: undefined: filePathsToSync
src/driveraker.go:300: undefined: filePathsToSync
src/driveraker.go:304: cannot call non-function findModifiedDocuments (type *sync.WaitGroup)
src/driveraker.go:304: too many errors
gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago
➜ go run src/driveraker.go
# command-line-arguments
src/driveraker.go:158: undefined: saveHashtable in saveHashtable.Done
src/driveraker.go:296: undefined: filePathsToSync
src/driveraker.go:297: undefined: filePathsToSync
src/driveraker.go:302: cannot use &findModified (type **sync.WaitGroup) as type *sync.WaitGroup in argument to findModifiedDocuments
src/driveraker.go:711: undefined: hastablePath
➜ go run src/driveraker.go
# command-line-arguments
src/driveraker.go:710: undefined: hastablePath
gatlinnewhouse commented 7 years ago
➜ go run src/driveraker.go 
Reading configuration...
Finished reading configuration!
Syncing Google Drive...
drive: Resolving...
Exported '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template' to '/home/deleuze/drivetemp/The_Quest/WEB_STUFF/TEST_DOCUMENTS_FOR_DRIVERAKER/article_template/article_template_exports/article_template.docx'
Done syncing!
Interpreting command line output...
Looking for already synced documents...
^Csignal: interrupt