gatsbyjs / gatsby-starter-shopify

A Gatsby starter using the latest Shopify plugin showcasing a store with product overview, individual product pages, and a cart
BSD Zero Clause License
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Suggestion: Enhancement of filtering #37

Open MaSchVam opened 3 years ago

MaSchVam commented 3 years ago

First of all: I am not sure, if the purpose of this starter is to actually provide all the functionality that this application appears to have on the surface - or if it is simply meant to be a PoC for interacting with the Shopify API in a Gatsby App. If the latter is more true, feel free to disregard this issue. I also just want to say, that I am grateful for all hard work that has been put into this project!

The current issues

The view rendered by pressing 'More Products' on "Type" archive pages introduces unclear behaviour:

The filtering of the products in the 'Search View' of the application, can become somewhat counter-intuitive if a category ("Type") archive page has been visited first (Where the 'More Products' was clicked to enter this view). Example:

ezgif com-gif-maker

In this state, all products are now filtered to only show products of the "Type" that we entered this search view from - yet, the only way to recognize this, is by inspecting the URL at this point in time - or by noticing, that the "Type" filter can now be cleared. In this (particular) case, perhaps we should instead enter a Search View, where the 'Automotive' "Type" filter is simply checked instead, and thus - can be unchecked so that all products can be displayed?

In my opinion, the current approach makes it unclear to the user what products are being shown. This also introduces the ability to add the same "Type" filter to a filtering of products twice, where the "Type" in question then, of course remains applied when unchecked. Example:

ezgif com-gif-maker (1)

Submitting a search before entering this pre-filtered search view, breaks subsequent filtering:

I discovered this accidentially. The steps to reproduce this are:

  1. Click 'All products' in the navigation menu, then 'More products' at the bottom of the page, and then enter a search directly in this view - or simply press the search icon in the navigation menu, and and enter a search in the view.

  2. When a search has been entered, select any "Type" category in the navigation menu (Automotive, Baby, Home, etc.), and then press 'More products' at the bottom of the page.

The URL should now look something like this:

Implying that a search string (seemingly, encoded?) is still being applied to the filtering - even though this is not the case. This, then in turn, breaks subsequent filtering of products while in this state, particularly through changing the dropdown filters (Relevance, Price, etc.). Example:

ezgif com-gif-maker (2)

I feel that applying other filters while in this state also has broken the filtering for me in certain cases, but I cannot reproduce this currently.

I titled this as a "Suggestion" since, as I said - it is unclear to me whether or not the goal here is for this functionality to actually work.

Proposed labels: Bug, Enhancement