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[docs] Gatsby Style Guide blitz for those new to open source #18284

Closed marcysutton closed 4 years ago

marcysutton commented 4 years ago


There are a ton of opportunities for small improvements to the Gatsby Docs that Hacktoberfest fans could take on. For folks new to open source, here are some ideas for contributing to the docs to make them adhere to the Gatsby Style Guide:

Other suggestions are welcome: chime in through the comments below! One approach could be to do a small set of changes to 5-10 docs in a PR, but one change at a time would be welcome too.

Process recommendations

To make sure your PR is accepted, try to limit its scope to changes that form logical groups. For example, a PR with 5-10 title case changes or a PR with pronoun changes from "we" to "you" would be helpful (see the Style Guide for when the subject of "we" is referring to the code).


Grammar enthusiasm and Hacktoberfest for the win!

Additional resources

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us here on GitHub or on Twitter or Discord.

aditsachde commented 4 years ago

I would like to work on this. I am going to start with the documents in the contributing folder, if others want to work on a different set of documents.

andiegonzalez commented 4 years ago

I would also like to contribute to this! I can start working with the Tutorials section of the documentation. Is that okay?

marcysutton commented 4 years ago

Sounds great, @andiegonzalez!

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'd love to work on this. We're looking at incorporating Gatsby at our agency and combing through the docs seems like a great way to get more familiar! Can I tackle the themes docs?

bhautikbharadava commented 4 years ago

Hey, @marcysutton I would like to work on this issue. Can you help me with what should I pick up?

aitchiss commented 4 years ago

I'd like to help with this - it looks like most people are tackling specific folders, and some odd files already have PRs, so with the hope of not treading on anyone's toes, I'd be happy to look at markdown files in the docs folder beginning with 'w' (so '' down to ''

BeniRupp commented 4 years ago

Cool, I will have a look at all files starting with 'u' and 'v' in docs/docs/. That is down to

samrae7 commented 4 years ago

Taking a similar approach, I will do all files in docs starting with t

marguerrrite commented 4 years ago

Love this. I think "R" is up for grabs in the docs folder so I will snag those.

chadwyck242 commented 4 years ago

Just did one in the 'a' section, about adding comments functionality. Maybe I will also continue working in that area, is anybody else wanting to take some of those? Happy Hacktoberfest =)

aditsachde commented 4 years ago

I've gone through the contributions folder and everything seems mostly alright. If its ok, I'm also going to have a look at the docs in the 'docs/docs/' folder starting with building, around half of the 'b' articles.

LuisPinedaJR commented 4 years ago

Id like to help with this, I see 'q' hasn't been mentioned so I'll do that section :)

FissionCat commented 4 years ago

I'd like to help too! Currently looking at 'starters' through to 'styling' in the docs folder.

SarahLKatz commented 4 years ago

I'll take the files in the 'docs/docs' folder that start with C, if nobody else has started on those (if someone has, let me know and I'll take a different letter). It will probably be a few PRs since there are ~20 files, so I'm happy to split if anyone else is attached to the letter C.

KiranAkadas commented 4 years ago

I'll take the files starting with 'how', hoping no one has started working on it..

dosden commented 4 years ago

I would love to work on this can I take docs/docs/ files starting with A

dosden commented 4 years ago


KillMonger1 commented 4 years ago

I will take up files starting with 'h'. Let me know if anyone is working on it too

kaylasween commented 4 years ago

I didn't see anyone mention it, so I'll start on w!

adibfirman commented 4 years ago

sorry? is already taken by @aitchiss isn't it?

I didn't see anyone mention it, so I'll start on w!

kaylasween commented 4 years ago

sorry? is already taken by @aitchiss isn't it?

#18284 (comment)

I didn't see anyone mention it, so I'll start on w!

Good catch! I've finished it, but won't open a pull request in case @aitchiss is still working on it. I'll move onto d. Please let me know if I missed anyone claiming that one. I don't want to step on anyone's toes!

aitchiss commented 4 years ago

Hey @kaylasween my changes were merged in #18331. So if your branch is up to date any you found some issues I've missed, you're good to go 🙂

Danondso commented 4 years ago

I'd like to help out, @marcysutton has anyone taken docs that start with m?

codingCookie commented 4 years ago

I'd like to contribute as well and will grab the docs/mdx folder. Is it ok? I didn't see anyone mention it.

codingCookie commented 4 years ago

I'd like to contribute more 🤗 i would also grab the GraphQL-Files in docsFolder - if nobody already claimed those.

codingCookie commented 4 years ago

aaand another one - i will grab the letter 'i' in the docs-folder - hope nobody else already grabed it

codingCookie commented 4 years ago

so nobody mentioned 'p' - as far as i see - so i will take care of the p-files

chrismgonzalez commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to tackling some of this later tonight!

After review, looks like the 'e' section is not taken. I will work on them.

mickm77 commented 4 years ago

Unless i missed it - 'c' looks un-taken - i'll do them...

muescha commented 4 years ago


Update pronouns in a doc to use "you" and "your" instead of "we" and "our"

Is the you / your here formal or informal?

For some translations it is important.

My guess was informal but I may be wrong ...

steph-chan commented 4 years ago

I'd like to work on the remainder of the 's' docs that have yet to be worked on

mendaomn commented 4 years ago

I'm taking on the 'u' docs!

aitchiss commented 4 years ago

@mendaomn I think @BeniRupp took those a while back?

mendaomn commented 4 years ago

@mendaomn I think @BeniRupp took those a while back?

You are right! I totally missed his comment! I did find some punctuation fixes with the aid of Grammarly, so I was thinking to open a PR anyway. What do you think? Should I discard my changes and work on something else?

aitchiss commented 4 years ago

@mendaomn I'm not sure if @BeniRupp's changes are merged back yet or not, but if they are and you've spotted something else that can be tweaked, sure go for it!

KorawitRupanya commented 4 years ago

Are there any works that I can do?

muescha commented 4 years ago


you can look for ideas at the Hacktoberfest 2019 Umbrella Issue

marcysutton commented 4 years ago

Is the you / your here formal or informal? For some translations it is important. My guess was informal but I may be wrong ...

@muescha this PR only covers changes in the English repo, and there isn't really a formal "you" other than "you", and we aren't going to use "thou".

Once is merged, there will be further instructions for translation repos.

jasonbodman commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look at files in the docs folder beginning with "L" if no one has taken them up.

KiranAkadas commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look at the files starting with 'g' if left out

josephkmh commented 4 years ago

I'm taking a look at files starting with "p" and "q"

sarahzdev commented 4 years ago

looks like 'o' and 'f' are left so i will take a look at those files

update: edited pronouns in these files - adding-a-list-of-markdown-posts adding-comments adding-forms adding-search-with-algolia adding-search-with-js-search adding-search audit-with-lighthouse bulma centralizing-your-sites-navigation creating-a-source-plugin debugging-async-lifecycles debugging-the-build-process emotion environment-variables graphql-reference migrating-from-v0-to-v1 sourcing-from-buttercms unit-testing using-fragments using-gatsby-image why-gatsby-uses-graphql

jasonbodman commented 4 years ago

Hi - I'll take the available "B" files in the docs/docs folder. (I think that is "babel" to "browser" since the "building" docs are already claimed.

brkn commented 4 years ago

I will work on the 'n' files in docs/docs.

marcysutton commented 4 years ago

Hacktoberfest is now over, so I'm going to close this issue. Sincere thanks to each and every one of you who took time to contribute to the Gatsby docs: we appreciate you! Stay tuned for more information about this year's custom swag -- you should be notified via email. 💜