Closed vai0 closed 4 years ago
@vai0 sharing a repo will be very helpful to get a better idea of what's not working.
If you still need some time to get a repo going, can you please share your package.json
and gatsby-config.js
Hey @erezrokah,
Thanks the the quick response. I’m currently away from my machine for the holidays so won’t be able to get what you’re requesting til after Christmas.
However, so far I’ve pinned the issue down to Removing the removal of MiniCSSExtractPlugin fixes the problem and allows the build to complete without issue. Hope that helps in the interim
Thanks @vai0 that helps.
The plugin adds its own instance of the MiniCSSExtractPlugin
to extract the css so it can register it to be used by the preview template here:
For gatsby develop
the plugin uses another method here:
as the MiniCSSExtractPlugin
can't be used in development mode.
It is odd that this happens after an update to the plugin as the removal of MiniCSSExtractPlugin
haven't changed.
We might need to look at the MiniCSSExtractPlugin
instance we're removing to figure out what's breaking.
Anyway, enjoy the holidays :) Please update when you have more information
Yup, makes perfect sense. Would probably start with looking at the options that are being passed into the filtered out version of MiniCssExtractPlugin the build is probably looking for.
For reference the version I’m upgrading from did not contain that line filtering out plugins.
Happy holidays 🌲
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For what it's worth, simply removing the removal of MiniCSSExtractPlugin
from fixes it for me. I have no explanation for why it works though :man_shrugging:
Here's my fork:
Hi @vai0 do you think you could create a repo reproducing the issue? I tried using your package.json
and gatsby-config.js
to create a reproduction using but I think I'm missing a lot of other configurations.
Tried just copying the cms plugin custom settings and that didn't reproduce the issue (build finished successfully).
@erezrokah Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately I cannot share the repo, but I will try to reproduce the issue in a public repo. Will have an update either today or tomorrow.
@erezrokah I've gotten past the TypeError: this[MODULE_TYPE] is not a function
error after updating gatsby, some plugins, and react to the latest versions.
Now I am encountering several issues, which I've been able to reproduce in a fresh repo here:
I've copied over the latest package.json
and gatsby-config.js
into this new repo
gatsby build
, I encounter the error:
"gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms" threw an error while running the onCreateWebpackConfig lifecycle:
No module factory available for dependency type: CssDependency
Error: No module factory available for dependency type: CssDependency
Compilation.js:800 addDependency [repo-css-dep-issue]/[webpack]/lib/Compilation.js:800:12 ...
2. If I remove [this block of code](, which compiles gatsby's es6 code - then I encounter this error on `gatsby develop`, which seems to be attributed to importing gatsby modules into a netlify cms preview component that it seems to have trouble handling.
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 7:14:19 PM ⠀ error in ./node_modules/gatsby/cache-dir/gatsby-browser-entry.js ⠀ Module parse failed: Unexpected token (25:4) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See | | return (
| {finalData && render(finalData)} | {!finalData &&
Loading (StaticQuery)}
@ ./src/components/StandardLp.js 13:0-30 34:25-29 @ ./src/cms/previews/StandardLpPreview.js @ ./src/cms/cms.js @ multi ./node_modules/gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms/cms.js ./src/cms/cms.js ⠀ ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 7:14:19 PM ⠀ error in ./node_modules/gatsby/cache-dir/gatsby-browser-entry.js ⠀ Module parse failed: Unexpected token (25:4) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See | | return (
| {finalData && render(finalData)} | {!finalData &&
Loading (StaticQuery)}
@ ./src/components/StandardLp.js 13:0-30 34:25-29 @ ./src/cms/previews/StandardLpPreview.js @ ./src/cms/cms.js @ multi ./node_modules/gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms/cms.js ./src/cms/cms.js
3. Styles in netlify-cms dashboard are broken (see font styles and the mispositioned profile icons. ignore the yellow bg - that's intentional to test that importing a global scss stylesheet into the cms works)
![Screenshot from 2020-01-02 19-27-40](
If I remove all gatsby dependencies from the [preview component](, e.g., the [Link and Layout components]( - it solves issue 2 and 3, but the 1st issue still persists. The way I've been able to fix this so far is by removing the removal of `MiniCssExtractPlugin` [here](
@vai0 Thanks for setting up the repo, I'll try to reproduce and update when I have more information.
Hey @vai0, I got passed number 1 by removing the package-lock.json
and switching to yarn
as a dependency manager:
and delete node_modules
.yarn install
.yarn build
should finish successfully.After getting passed number 1, I still had issues with running yarn develop
which were fixed by updating some other dependencies, see here.
As for number 3, it only happens in dev mode and related to the comment here:
I'll open a new issue for that with a fresh repo.
Update: see here for number 3
Hey @erezrokah, thanks for promptness. I too was also able to get past 1 after switching from npm
to yarn
. Moving to yarn may take some convincing as our entire team + project uses it. Before moving towards that direction, is npm
not equally supported by Gatsby? Is there a guess behind why this works with yarn
but not npm
Don't have a guess, though when I tried running npm run install
it updated the lock file which was strange.
You could try with npm but with the updated dependencies from my PR.
@erezrokah will give that a shot - would you mind listing your npm and node versions?
node v12.13.0
npm 6.12.0
yarn 1.21.1
using your updates from and running with the same node and npm versions didn't fix it, only running with yarn did the trick :disappointed:
@KyleAMathews is npm equally supported by Gatsby, or is yarn the preferred package manager? We're running into a strange build issue that only occurs with npm and not yarn, not sure if worth going down the path of migrating our project over to yarn just to get over this particular problem
After updating to the latest
, runninggatsby build
fails and throws the following errorgatsby develop
works without issue. Looking at, suspect it may be relatedSteps to reproduce
... working on putting together a demo repo
How to Make a Minimal Reproduction:
Expected result
gatsby build
complete without errorActual result
See error above