Closed cpannwitz closed 5 years ago
Seems to be related with Contentful itself. Creating a new workspace without any content doesn't throw.
My Contentful content type structure:
None of these fields are empty, no other Locale is enabled than the default (German).
Managed to get it to work, by deleting the field References (many)
on my second content type.
It referenced entries from the first content type, wasn't empty or (I assume) otherwise corrupted.
Are there any known issues with this specific content field type?
This sounds like a genuine bug — would you like to put together a PR for this?
I can try to find out, whats the problem, but I'm not sure if I know enough about this specific plugin or gatsby's way of handling data. So, can't promise anything 🤷♂️
Ok :-)
Start by adding console.logs around where the error is happening in the plugin — that's what I do to understand what type of data is triggering the error and how to handle it.
I am encountering this issue as well. It seems to be tied to references. As cpannwitz described, the issue resolves itself when removing the references from the content altogether. It does not need to be removed from the content model. Note, in my case the reference was a "One Reference," and like cpannwitz, the reference was populated.
Something curious, in my case, the reference did not give me issues at first. It wasn't until I attempted to implement onCreateNode. The issue then persists until I clear the reference in Contentful. Doesn't make much sense as to why this would occur, perhaps I'm just overthinking it :smile:
EDIT: This may very well be an issue with Contentful or my frequency in changing my Content models. Noticing data being published under old structures. I will try again tomorrow and give an update.
Attaching my log. gatsby-reference-failure.log
I experienced the same, @Garbonauta .
At first, there was no error. Seems like contentful and/or the source-plugin needs some time to update the queried data.
Also I experienced - like you - that there was no way back, when the References
field was introduced to the content model. It errors out afterwards, no matter what you change clientside or at contentful.
I tend to think, it has something to do with the "subscription" to data of the source-plugin to contentful. (as far as I know, you can simply query data from contentful, but also "subscribe" to it - api-wise)
@cpannwitz I fully agree. I was able to circumvent the issue for about a day. I had to redo the Content models and content to get it to work. Luckily, I am at testing so this is no big deal. However, once I had the need to edit the content. The issue appeared again.
Like you I noticed the following:
At this point, I would like to know what do we do from here? What is the next step and I'll take it.
Same issue - references were the cause of the problem for me as well.
I think I may be on the right track as to what is happening. It appears the plugin, gatsby-source-contentful, is, for the most part, pulling the right information from contentful. I still have some suspicions as to whether this statement is correct as I still had more issues described below.
I think what is happening, is that for example: If you delete a piece of content in contentful. The data pulled from contentful does not match what is in Gatsby's redux store, cached in .cache/redux-state.json. Gatsby appears to use this cache file to compare expected information so it does not build the entire store every time you run gatsby develop. Thus, since the store data and pulled contentful data do not much, Gatsby crashes at compile time as it expects elements which are missing. A quick fix for this is deleting the redux-state.json cache and rerunning gatsby. A new redux store is created and compilation appears to complete for the most part.
Now, I do not think this is the entire issue, I was still encountering problems where the recreated redux store did not include the missing reference types. Causing my code to crash at runtime. However, the issue appears to have fixed itself, not sure how, as I was doing some risky and ultimately useless manipulation of the redux-state.json file. I say useless, because it was in one instance where I deleted the store and it was correctly recreated.
For now, everything is working for me. I do expect the issue to reappear as I am still changing content models and the content itself in contentful. I will continue to take a look and see what I can find.
I also have this issue but it occurs at build time. Like other issues in this thread, it occurs when using contentful references and createPages
in gatsby-node.js.
Fetch Contentful data: 3785.866ms
error Plugin gatsby-source-contentful returned an error
TypeError: entryItemFields[].push is not a function
- normalize.js:291
- Array.forEach
- normalize.js:288
- normalize.js:243
- Array.forEach
- normalize.js:226 Object.exports.createContentTypeNodes
- gatsby-node.js:179
- Array.forEach
- gatsby-node.js:178 _callee$
Just wondering if there had been any updates on this issue. I'm seeing the same thing as soon as I added references into my contentful data. It seems to be happening on build or develop. I tried using the previous method of deleting the redux-state.json in cache then rerunning but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
I'm now seeing this also with Contentful on Gatsby V2 and gatsby-source-contentful
v2.0.1. Would be nice if these errors from data modeling were more specific as to where exactly the problem is. I'm way too far in my data model and content to try and narrow this down so I'll have to dig into the code more and try to figure it out.
Not sure if this helps but this happens to me when I have the following schema:
PAGE components: BUTTON
if Button has a page reference (any page, even ones that don't have it as a component) it will throw.
Thanks @pr1ntr indeed we found out that creating a new page model that wasn't called page
fixed it for us but that seems weird that the slug page
would be reserved or something.. Not absolutely sure yet how to avoid this in the contentful data modeling. Will keep my eye out and report back if I figure it out conclusively.
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I'm also running into this. Adding a one to many content link does it.
I'm also running into this issue! I'm using a one-to-one reference, and as @cpannwitz mentions, as soon as I add a reference, it breaks - removing it removes the error. Cleaning out the cache doesn't appear to really have an effect. The weird thing is it's inconsistent. It was breaking for me in development mode, and I just kept fiddling around with it all afternoon and suddenly, it just started working again (even though I'd done nothing of note), but when Netlify tries to build it, it breaks with the same error.
Running into issues. definitely arising from the references
Hey, I has some issues and managed to fix them. I will update on this thread when I get home, no aceeas to code base atm..! Basically u have to import something to gatsby.config and if you're using any env variables, ads a GATSBY_ prefix to your environment variables
Add this to the top of gatsby-config.js
path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,
And this is how my gatsby-node.js looks:
const path = require('path')
module.exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const blogTemplate = path.resolve("./src/templates/blog.js")
const res = await graphql(`
query {
allContentfulBlogPost {
edges {
node {
`) => {
component: blogTemplate,
path: `/blog/${edge.node.slug}`,
context: {
slug: edge.node.slug,
My template for event page:
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import { documentToReactComponents } from "@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer"
import Img from "gatsby-image/withIEPolyfill"
export const query = graphql`
query($slug: String!) {
contentfulBlogPost(slug: { eq: $slug }) {
created(formatString: "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY")
text {
featuredImage {
fluid(maxWidth: 600, maxHeight: 600) {
file(relativePath: { eq: "blog-post.jpg" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 1920, quality: 100) {
const Blog = props => {
const options = {
renderNode: {
"embedded-asset-block": () => {
return (
return (
objectPosition="12% 50%"
<Img fluid={} style={{margin:"0 auto", maxWidth:"80%", height:"100%", maxHeight:"50vh"}} objectFit="contain"/>
<div className="blogTemplate">
<Footer />
export default Blog
Can you check if gatsby-source-contentful@2.1.35
fixed this issue. @frodd might think his fix could be related.
Hi, I was having this issue and it was a circular reference, I disabled one side of the circular reference and it went away. You dont necesarrily have to remove it but you can just disable it in the response.
@wardpeet Thanks for that comment, that has fixed my issue.
I did a bit of debugging but the source code for this plugin is quite complex to get into so I didn't get too far, enough to understand that there is some sort of issue going on with working out referencing.
We're now seeing errors about mismatched typings, everything builds fine in netlify but wondering if there is any advice on whether or not we should be actively trying to fix this:
warn There are conflicting field types in your data.
If you have explicitly defined a type for those fields, you can safely ignore this warning message.
Otherwise, Gatsby will omit those fields from the GraphQL schema.
If you know all field types in advance, the best strategy is to explicitly define them with the `createTypes` action,
and skip inference with the `@dontInfer` directive.
- type: [string]
value: [ '01316be6-eee1-57ce-a626-e8c96379bc38' ]
- type: string
value: 'fbe50845-a07b-5c16-9d2c-1e9c482b7f65'
The error message makes sense as we reference the service type as a multiple reference in the homepage content type and then as a single reference in another content type we use with a templated page... need to do some more digging with this one
EDIT: Hmmm it builds fine but then my service field is not available to my schema on the content type I've recently added it to...
This issue has gone quiet. Spooky quiet. 👻
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I'm having this problem on a fresh install of gatsby, I chose to add gatsby-source-contentful
from the project initialization. I got version 8.12.0
$ gatsby develop
success compile gatsby files - 0.953s
success load gatsby config - 0.042s
success load plugins - 1.145s
success onPreInit - 0.009s
success initialize cache - 0.063s
success copy gatsby files - 0.249s
success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.501s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.526s
ERROR #gatsby-source-contentful_111006 UNKNOWN
Please check if your contentTypeFilter is configured properly. Content types were filtered down to none.
not finished createSchemaCustomization - 0.825s
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Hey. I'm currently trying to setup a basic gatsby site with the contentful-source-plugin. Last week everything went pretty great, until that moment I had to show off my results and - bam - the whole thing went down in 5 minutes. I had no success in recreating and debugging.
Specifically gatsby-source-contentful errors out with the following:
entryItemFields[].push is not a function
Preconditions: node -v:
gatsby-cli -v:1.1.24
gatsby-cource-contentful version: tried everyone from1.3.20
Steps to reproduce:
Thanks for any help!