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Gatsby issue while build application #34319

Closed ZPDecodeup closed 2 years ago

ZPDecodeup commented 2 years ago

Preliminary Checks


Hey there, I am right now working in application that I have created in Gatsby environment. In that I have migrate my app from gatsby V3 to V4. when I run gatsby build it cause problem like below.

success Execute page configs - 0.030s failed Validating Rendering Engines - 3.768s


Built Rendering Engines failed validation failed validation.

Please open an issue with a reproduction at for more help

Error: Generated engines use disallowed import "babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator". Only allowed imports are to Node.js builtin modules or engines internals.

Reproduction Link

Steps to Reproduce

migrate gatsby app to V3 to V4 and then run gatsby build

Expected Result

Gatbsy application will successfully serve in local.

Actual Result

Getting error like "Built Rendering Engines failed validation failed validation."


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Config Flags

No response

iChenLei commented 2 years ago

similar issue

"gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms-paths": "^1.3.0" this plugin is the reason why build failed.

LekoArts commented 2 years ago

Please see