gatsbyjs / gatsby

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Gatsby 4.11.1 Unable to build #35321

Closed ezrover closed 2 years ago

ezrover commented 2 years ago

Preliminary Checks


error [ThrowableDiagnostic [Error]: The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".] {
  diagnostics: [
      message: 'The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".',
      origin: '@parcel/core',
      codeFrames: [Array]

Reproduction Link


Steps to Reproduce

npm run build fails after upgrading to 4.11.1

  "dependencies": {
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Expected Result

Should build without errors

Actual Result

> node --max-old-space-size=8192 ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build

error [ThrowableDiagnostic [Error]: The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".] {
  diagnostics: [
      message: 'The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".',
      origin: '@parcel/core',
      codeFrames: [Array]
error [ThrowableDiagnostic [Error]: The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".] {
  diagnostics: [
      message: 'The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".',
      origin: '@parcel/core',
      codeFrames: [Array]
error [ThrowableDiagnostic [Error]: The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".] {
  diagnostics: [
      message: 'The plugin "@parcel/reporter-dev-server" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".',
      origin: '@parcel/core',
      codeFrames: [Array]
error Failed to compile Gatsby files (@parcel/core):                                                                                      

The plugin "@parcel/bundler-default" is not compatible with the current version of Parcel. Requires "^2.4.1" but the current version is "2.4.0".. 


    OS: macOS 11.6.4
    CPU: (16) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 17.8.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.17 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
    npm: 8.5.5 - /usr/local/bin/npm
    Python: 2.7.16 - /usr/bin/python
    Chrome: 99.0.4844.84
    Safari: 15.3
    gatsby: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-cli: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-catch-links: ^4.11.0 => 4.11.0
    gatsby-plugin-client-side-redirect: ^1.1.0 => 1.1.0
    gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-image: ^2.11.1 => 2.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-manifest: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-material-ui: ^4.1.0 => 4.1.0
    gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: ^5.11.0 => 5.11.0
    gatsby-plugin-remove-serviceworker: ^1.0.0 => 1.0.0
    gatsby-plugin-robots-txt: ^1.7.0 => 1.7.0
    gatsby-plugin-s3: ^0.3.8 => 0.3.8
    gatsby-plugin-sass: ^5.11.1 => 5.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-sharp: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-sitemap: ^5.11.1 => 5.11.1
    gatsby-plugin-styled-components: ^5.10.0 => 5.10.0
    gatsby-source-drupal: ^5.11.1 => 5.11.1
    gatsby-source-filesystem: ^4.11.1 => 4.11.1
    gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^4.11.0 => 4.11.0

Config Flags

No response

marvinjude commented 2 years ago

Hi @ezrover,

This should go away if you delete your lock file and reinstall dependencies. Closing this for now, feel free to reopen if there's a need.