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[EPIC] Graphql schema refactor #4261

Closed pieh closed 5 years ago

pieh commented 6 years ago

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Make graphql schema generation code more maintainable and easier to add new features like allowing user specified types on fields instead of automatic inferring.

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--- This is stub epic - need to convert old description to new format

Main issue im trying to solve is that type inferring will not create fields/types for source data that:

My approach to handle that is to allow defining field types by


Current implementation of schema creation looks something like this: current

Input/output type creation is not abstracted and implementation has to be duplicated for each source of information.

In my proof of concept ( repository ) I added another source (graphql schema definition language) and just implemented subset of functionality: poc

As testing ground I used this barebones repository. Things to look for:

Implementing it way this way is fine for proof of concept but it’s unmaintainable in long term. So I want to introduce common middleman interface: proposed



  1. What are potential features / use cases to take into consideration when designing details of this (not features of schema - it’s how it could be used)? I see 1 potential cases where this might be important (to not need to do big refactor again later):
    • Live previews - right now gatsby can’t modify schema when it’s running in develop mode but it can refresh data (builtin refresh for filesystem source + __refresh hook to refresh all source data) - it might be worth looking to be able to refresh schema too?
  2. How would schema stitching fit into it (merging external remote graphql endpoints with gatsby graphql layer)? Basic schema stitching would not interact with gatsby graphql part (for example we have our gatsby queries markdown etc and then we have fields from github graphql api repository - if there’s no connection between them then then this would be out of scope for this RFC), but if we would like to add connection - for example allow linking frontmatter field to github repository then this would need to be thought out ahead of time. I was looking at graphql-tools schema stitching and it does have some nice tooling for merging schemas and option to add resolvers between schemas - is this something that was planned to be used for that?
m4rrc0 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the research @pieh . Maybe I am completely off road here but couldn't we use schema stitching to add missing fields? But maybe it could not solve the issue 1 you raise (conflicting types on a field) and it probably is a weaker solution overall on the long run...? I love your idea about live preview refresh! That would be a super solid feature to add to Gatsby IMHO. To be honest my main concern is the time such a refactor will take...

pieh commented 6 years ago

@MarcCoet Not sure on what level you would want to stitch schema - this is not magic that would make it work automatically :) . There is multiple "side effects" for single field in data - it produces output type, it produces input type for filtering, it produces input type for sorting, it produces input type for grouping. This would still suffer same problems - it would need to be implemented in multiple places.

There is not much distinction between fields with no data and with conflicting types in terms of creating schema currently - gatsby discards fields with have conflicting types (so they become fields with no data at the stage of creating schema) - the distinction is more for website/apps developers - they have data but field is not in schema.

You can use my proof of concept branch (at least for testing things out) - it has all basic features of getting fields - it can resolve local files, linked nodes (both of single and multiple types - unions) and of course inline fields. But to get full feature set I would have to implement this 3 more times in different places (filtering, sorting, grouping).

Or you now can use setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType function ( ) to add/overwrite "inline" field types (fields that aren't linked to other nodes). Not really super easy to use and can't reference other types that are available in schema.

I totally get your time concern and frustration about this issue - I have this problem too with some of my sites - it's hard to explain your content editors why things suddenly stopped working when they cleared some optional field ( this is why I started working on this! ), but this has to be done right sooner than later, as features that will need to be refactored will pile up.

KyleAMathews commented 6 years ago

How would schema stitching fit into it

It wouldn't — the schema stitching process basically takes two entirely separate schemas and lets you query both of them at the same time. Unless people name their types the same as the default Gatsby ones, there'd be no interaction between the two schemas.

KyleAMathews commented 6 years ago

Love the direction you're going here! This feels like the right approach and direction for a refactor and will unlock a lot of really nice capabilities!

pieh commented 6 years ago

About schema stitching - I was researching this a bit earlier and graphql-tools provide way to add resolvers between schemas - as part of their schema stitching toolkit. So hypothetically we could create custom resolver (or rather user on project level or on plugin level would) that could transform: repository: "" (<- that's frontmatter) into response from repository query from github graphql api (similar to how we link/map to nodes currently). This doesn't have to land in initial version of schema stitching, but is something worth keeping in mind.

KyleAMathews commented 6 years ago

Huh! That'd be amazing! Yeah, there's a ton of possibilities here — you could link to tweets, flickr images, facebook profiles, etc. anything accessible via an API and as long as you have the right source plugin installed, everything would be linked up. That'd be crazy powerful.

jlengstorf commented 6 years ago

@pieh @KyleAMathews This is something I've got a bit of experience with. When I was at IBM, we needed to keep data sources discrete, but allow them to be combined in queries to avoid complex data processing on the front-end. I ended up creating and open sourcing GrAMPS to address this. (I wrote up a "hello world" example in this post.)

One of the goals of GrAMPS is to allow what I've clumsily dubbed "asynchronous stitching", where a data source can define how it extends another data source if that data source exists in the schema. This would allow plugins to build on each other when possible, but wouldn't require them to be peerDependencies. From an open/shareable standpoint, this seems like a way to have our cake and eat it, too: we optionally upgrade the GraphQL schema, rather than hard-coding fragile relationships.

The logic behind this wouldn't require GrAMPS to function; it's basically checking the schema for a given type before applying the mergeSchemas call.

I'm not sure how well this fits into the overall goal of this RFC, but I think it could help us implement the "Schema Builder" with more flexibility and extendability.

Happy to help out on this however I can. Let me know if you want me to expand on any of this.

pieh commented 6 years ago

@jlengstorf Wow, GrAMPS is cool! Not sure if it will fit, but I will definitely read up more on it (either to use it or at least steal some ideas!) I will for sure reach out to you for your insight.

I'd like to keep this RFC to not focus on implementation details (too much 😄). I want this to serve as requirements gathering place so we could later design APIs that could be extended if needed (to not over-engineer initial refactor) but not changed (wishful thinking 😄). I think we could expose same internal APIs to plugins but to do that they need to be well designed and not be subject to breaking changes in near future.

i8ramin commented 6 years ago

Hi. Has there been any update on this issue? Just wondering. I really wanna use Contentful + graphql ... but this issue makes it very hard to do so :(

niklasravnsborg commented 6 years ago

Just reading into this concept. I wrote a custom source plugin where a field from my JSON API can be null. These fields don't end up in my schema as I would expect. Are there any updates on this?

@pieh Awesome work! Keep it up 😊

calcsam commented 6 years ago

@i8ramin -- it's definitely in our backlog!

@pieh -- I've renamed this issue for clarity

KyleAMathews commented 6 years ago

Was talking to @sgrove today with @calcsam and he had a really interesting idea which could apply here. Basically it was how to estimate when you've sufficiently inferred a graphql type from data. He said you could assign a "novelty" score to each type you're inferring i.e. how novel do you expect each new item to be. You evaluate sample data item by item. Each time you "learn" something new e.g. a new field, the expected novelty score goes up. Whenever an item matches the existing inferred type, the expected novelty score drops. After evaluating enough new items and not learning anything new, you can quit.

This could speed up processing large data sets as we could pull out random samples and often times (especially on data that has representative data for each field on every object) we could stop the inference process quite a bit sooner than we do now.

KyleAMathews commented 5 years ago

@sgrove mentioned this lib too

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

I have re-created Gatsby's schema builder, mainly to better understand what's going on there, and in the process changed a couple of things that maybe someone here might find useful:

In case you want to have a look, the stuff is here: If you want to play with the code, make sure to yarn add graphql-compose, and to not have conflicting graphql packages (you'll get an Error: InputTypeComposer accept only GraphQLInputObjectType in constructor).

Please note: I did this for fun so it's not intended as a PR, there's stuff missing, there are no tests, it needs more memory, and there surely are bugs, but it would be great to get some feedback.

niklasravnsborg commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst Omg! On the functional side this is exactly what I'm imagining Gatsbys query layer to be in the future and what I was missing when I used custom data sources and CMSs with unpredictable data schema.

Looking forward to see this evolving. Can't comment on the technical side. ☺️

pieh commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst this is fantastic! There's a lot going on there so feedback might be slow.

graphql-compose seems like nice abstraction to work with generation of graphql schema (which seems to fit nicely in the "schema builder" block in diagram I did few months back). I will definitely look into that. this part is tricky ;) I think deep-merge would be pretty important to be able to fully do partial SDL. If I understand your code correctly, we wouldn't infer any additional fields for Frontmatter type - it would contain "just" fields from SDL, right?

it needs more memory

Do you know where this is coming from?

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst This is awesome! :+1:

One comment - instead/in addition to the link directive, I'd also allow passing resolvers. I'd provide functions that can retrieve arbitrary nodes within those resolvers. This allows more flexible schema logic and allow escape hatches. I'd allow resolvers both in addTypeDefs and in options of plugins.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

Most of it is really just rewriting stuff with native map/filter/reduce which I can't expect anyone to review, so I think the two interesting things are:

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet What I like about the link directive is that, from a user perspective, SDL is quite easy to read and write. But I agree that providing a way to add custom resolvers would be great to have, I'll think about how to best approach this. Do you have any specific usecases in mind?

So mainly I feel that approach to the features should be programmatic API first and then declarative API on top. This is because declarative API is usually a solution for one common use case for the sake of brevity. However, there always should be a low-level escape hatch (with which you implement the declarative API). The use cases is any more complex relation logic than just using another field as id. It could especially be important when working with 3rd party APIs, for instance.

Practically I feel that there also should be a possibility to replicate logic we have in inferred types with hand-written resolvers, so we should provide low-level hooks to do that. (Eg all resolver utilities can be passed via context or info object).

using graphql-compose for schema building, which has worked really well (and it has a very responsive maintainer upstream). The approach was explicit-schema-first, i.e. while currently we start with type inference, we here start with type definitions and add fields from type inference and from setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType to it. @pieh I agree we should deepmerge the inferred fields (yes, right now we just delete any top level props from the example value when they are already on the type). I can look into this on the weekend.

I agree with schema first approach. I think they way it should work is:

  1. If there is no type definition provided, use current infer-from-data
  2. If type definitions are provided, depending on a typedef provided: 2.1 if it's an extend, merge with inferred definitions 2.2 if it's a definition - replace the inferred with that one
stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Maybe as a first step we could simply expose graphql-compose's schemaComposer to setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeTypes, which would give access to all registered types and their corresponding findOne and findMany resolvers.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

So we definetely shouldn't expose graphql-compose APIs directly to Gatsby users, because this way we lose control over those APIs. We can expose a wrapped function to get resolvers, though.

KyleAMathews commented 5 years ago

On externalizing schemas, my recent thinking is that each new field should always be added. So when a user adds a new markdown frontmatter field, we add it. But if the user removes that field, we leave the field in the schema. We only ask the user what it wants to do when there's a field conflict (when we should show the user how the field is used — we can be smart and say, it looks like all current usages of this field align with the new field type and say "you should probably upgrade the field".

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Quick update on where I'm at with this:

Apart from that some questions (more to follow):

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Also: much better at type reuse. In a default starter, from 592 types to 96.

pieh commented 5 years ago

Also: much better at type reuse. In a default starter, from 592 types to 96.

Yup, we create way too much input types currently - for each string we create separate type with eq, ne, regex etc operator fields

That's one easy win we can fix to make schema more readable

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst We should default to keeping old functionality, the schema refactor should be 100% backwards compatible, so we should keep the types like SitePlugin that are currently in the schema.

added addResolvers API. I'd still love some input what to expose to resolver context here. Personally I'm not sure any more if we even have to pass on anything extra: we already have info.schema, so you can query with info.schema.getQueryType().getFields().allMarkdownRemark.resolve()

What I meant is that we should expose gatsby's "model layer", which is the resolvers we use ourselves to do things. That would be the way for people to reuse Gatsby functionality when they are rewriting Gatsby types.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

100% backwards compatible

Oh, I didn't realize, I thought of this more as a v3.0 thing, so there would be an opportunity to change some things. It's easy enough to change back to current behavior -- I just modified the two things that confused me when I started out with Gatsby, namely what relativePath referred to, and that query results were by default wrapped in a pagination object (edges/nodes). I made the allTypeName endpoints return results directly, and added a pageTypeName field that returns { items, count, pageInfo }

What I meant is that we should expose gatsby's "model layer", which is the resolvers we use ourselves to do things.

Hmm, what you get with info.schema.getQueryType().getFields().allMarkdownRemark.resolve is exactly what is being used internally (namely findMany('MarkdownRemark'). Maybe I'm still misunderstanding?

rexxars commented 5 years ago

Excellent work, @stefanprobst - I've been battling for a month trying to find a good way to declare fields and schema types without finding this issue. This looks like a dream come true.

What's the plan going forward - do you have a specific roadmap you're working towards? Is there anything other contributors could do to help?

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@rexxars Thanks! I think there are two issues for this to move forward.

First, API: there hasn't been a whole lot of discussion if the proposed API makes sense and covers all usecases? To summarize:

Second, implementation: all of the above should work, but there are other changes mixed in - some of which might be useful (like query operators for Dates), others are just my personal preference (like gettings rid of edges, or requiring query args to always be on a filter field). I'm motivated enough to bring this into a more mergeable state, but I don't know what the planning is in Gatsby HQ.

rexxars commented 5 years ago

I don't work at Gatsby HQ and have not been involved in Gatsby for long, so I can't comment on whether it covers all usecases, but it certainly addresses all the issues I've been battling with (see #10856).

Couple of questions:

As for the changes you've introduced, I wholeheartedly agree on them being a good change, but I don't have the background on why they are not modeled this way currently. I think the edges approach is a Relay-inspired thing, but I'm not sure if it serves any specific purpose within the Gatsby ecosystem - I don't think anyone is using Gatsby with Relay afterall.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Excellent questions!

Does it handle unions?

Unions are currently not supported at all (but Interfaces are). This has to do with a limitation in graphql-compose, which is the library used for schema construction. I'll take a look how much it would take to add this.

If you specify a Date field, does it get the date formatting arguments one would get through inferring?

The way date formatting is implemented is sort of the other way around, namely with a @dateformat directive, which lets you define field defaults, that can be overridden in the selection set:

type Foo {
  date: Date @dateformat(defaultFormat: "yyyy/MM/dd", defaultLocale: "en-GB")


query {
  foo {
    date(locale: "en-US")

One advantage is that when constructing the InputObjectType from the ObjectType, the field still has the correct Date type, which is only converted to String type when the directive is processed. This is why you get Date query operators like $gt, $lt, and not the String operators. What's missing is to add the field args to the inferred Date fields - I'll look into this next week.

pieh commented 5 years ago

100% backwards compatible

Oh, I didn't realize, I thought of this more as a v3.0 thing, so there would be an opportunity to change some things. It's easy enough to change back to current behavior.

For the most part this is because we are likely far away from 3.0 and if this is implemented in backward compatible way, we can roll it out during ^2.0. I'm not against potential changes in the future or even behind feature flags (i.e. shallow_connection_type or whatever), but those would need to be discussed and researched - single person preference is a bit anecdotical and is not enough to justify breaking change.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst We definitely do want to fix the issues with Gatsby schema. I'm currently responsible for this issue at Gatsby and I'm very interested in helping more with that. Maybe we should sync up on that more? We can chat eg in Discord (Gatsby Discord or we can set up a voice/video call.

Hmm, what you get with info.schema.getQueryType().getFields().allMarkdownRemark.resolve is exactly what is being used internally (namely findMany('MarkdownRemark'). Maybe I'm still misunderstanding?

So resolve functions depend on resolver type signature (parent, args, context, info). That means that resolvers that do the same thing, but get the data from different parts wouldn't be reusable. Eg there can be two resolvers that basically get same node by id, but one gets it from parent and other gets it from args. My idea is that we'll expose Gatsby "model layer", that will have the functions to eg operate on nodes. Those will be both used inside Gatsby resolvers and available for users in their custom resolvers. Plugins would be able to add more functions to model layer, so users can write custom resolvers with their functionality, eg for remark transformations. This is a pretty typical way to do it eg in GraphQL servers.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet Excellent, let's chat early next week! Monday? I'm in GMT+1 timezone.

there can be two resolvers that basically get same node by id, but one gets it from parent and other gets it from args

Ah, I get your point now. However: how consequential is this with how things work in Gatsby (at least currently)? Node resolvers always query with args, and don't use parent, no? In any case, I have now put link, findMany, findOne and findById on context.resolvers.

Plugins would be able to add more functions to model layer


freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst Most of Gatsby is having a company gathering at Barcelona next week, so I'm afraid I won't have much time :( I'm available tomorrow or then any day after next week. I'm in GMT+2, so timing shouldn't be a problem. Could you select a good time for you in my calendly?

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet Tomorrow won't work for me unfortunately, I have scheduled tue 22th in your calendar. Thanks!

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst can you make a PR, mark it as WIP and tick "allow maintainers to edit"? Would make it much easier to work together on this.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Done. #10995

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Quick Update:

I added an optional from argument to the @link directive. This makes it easier to do stuff like this:

type AuthorJson implements Node {
  name: String!
  email: String!
  posts: [BlogJson] @link(by: "", from: "email")
type BlogJson implements Node {
  title: String!
  authors: [AuthorJson] @link(by: "email")
  text: String

Also, the addResolvers API works better with third-party schemas: it is possible to wrap resolvers on a field on a type from a third-party schema to do some post-processing, or add a new field to third-party types, which allows to add processing which changes the return type. This also accepts a projection prop to automatically include sibling fields in the selection set.

  GraphCMS_BlogPost: {
    post: async (source, args, context, info) => {
      const remark = require(`remark`)
      const html = require(`remark-html`)
      const result = await info.resolver(source, args, context, info)
      return remark()
  GraphCMS_Asset: {
    imageFile: {
      type: `File`,
      // Projection fields will be included in the selection set.
      projection: { url: true, fileName: true },
      resolve: async (source, args, context, info) => {
        const { fileName: name, url } = source;
        const ext = `.` + fileName.match(/[^.]*$/)
        const node = await createRemoteFileNode({
        // This will give you a `childImageSharp` field for free 
        return node

Snippets are taken from the using-type-definitions example in the branch.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

Issues, before this branch could become something more official:

const nodes = [ { foo: 'Foo', bar: [{ foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 3 }, { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 4 }], }, { foo: 'Bar', bar: [{ foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 3 }, { foo: 3, bar: 2, baz: 4 }], }, ];

const { default: sift } = require('sift'); console.log(sift(query, nodes));

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst btw, instead of projection as an object, we should include a GraphQL fragment.

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet Interesting!! I did projection as an object mainly because it connects nicely with what graphql-compose's Resolver class provides for free.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst right, that makes sense. We can keep it as is for now. Fragment is more flexible cause one can include eg nested fields. I'm borrowing it from here

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet I'm all for allowing fragments to extend the selection set! Nested fields should work with the projection object as well though, e.g. projection: { foo: true, nested: { foo: true } }.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst Hey, why do you have this line in the code?

const updateSchema = async () => {
  const tc = addInferredType(`SitePage`)
  // this line
  delete tc.gqType._gqcInputTypeComposer
  return schemaComposer.buildSchema({ directives })
stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

@freiksenet Sorry should have put a comment there. graphql-compose can save a reference to a corresponding InputTypeComposer on this property of the TypeComposer. When updating SitePage we want to create a new InputObjectType, this seemed to be the simplest way without having to mess with the local cache in getFilterInput. Deleting the property should produce a new InputTypeComposer for SitePage when calling getITC() here.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't addInferredType produce a new type composer anyway?

stefanprobst commented 5 years ago

In type inference, if a TypeComposer already exists, we use it. This is done not mainly because of schema updating, but a TypeComposer can be created when parsing SDL in the step before. One consequence for schema updating is that we re-use a TypeComposer that has the previously produced InputTypeComposer on an internal property. There certainly are more elegant ways to invalidate or reuse this input type - since we want to get rid of schema updating at some point anyway I didn't put much effort into that though.

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

@stefanprobst got it.

I can't find date type anywhere in code, how is it added to the composer?

freiksenet commented 5 years ago

Right, never mind, it's build in GraphQL Compose.