gaul / s3proxy

Access other storage backends via the S3 API
Apache License 2.0
1.65k stars 220 forks source link

Issues proxying GCS and Azure #650

Open tamalsaha opened 2 weeks ago

tamalsaha commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for this very handy project. We are trying it to take backup from Solr (aws java sdk) into GCS or Azure. We are seeing the following errors when we try to do this:

For gcs: "Invalid base 16 character: 'O'" For azure: "Input is expected to be encoded in multiple of 2 bytes but found: 17"

Looks like both issues are related to ETAG.

For GCS, I see similar reports here:

For Azure, I see similar reports here:

How can we further debug these issues and fix them? Any help is much appreciated.

aravinds502 commented 2 weeks ago
