gaul / s3proxy

Access other storage backends via the S3 API
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Error with multipart upload to Azure storage: BlockID not a valid base64 string #653

Open joaniegannon opened 1 week ago

joaniegannon commented 1 week ago

Hello all,

I have s3proxy stood up to point to an Azure storage endpoint. All was well until I attempted to upload a relatively large mp4 file (about 400 MB) and the multipart upload would fail with the following error (with confidential info removed):

Cannot retry after server error, command is not replayable: [method=org.jclouds.azureblob.AzureBlobClient.public abstract void org.jclouds.azureblob.AzureBlobClient.putBlock(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,[XXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXX/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4, AAK_IA==, [content=true, contentMetadata=[cacheControl=null, contentDisposition=null, contentEncoding=null, contentLanguage=null, contentLength=8388608, contentMD5=null, contentType=application/unknown, expires=null], written=false, isSensitive=false]], request=PUT HTTP/1.1]

After some further digging, I found out that Azure was sending back a 400 to the proxy complaining about the blockid query param not being base64 encoded: </Message><QueryParameterName>blockid</QueryParameterName><QueryParameterValue>AAK_IA==</QueryParameterValue><Reason>Not a valid base64 string.</Reason></Error>

Indeed, that blockid AAK_IA== doesn't look like what I would expect for a base64 encoded string.

Repro Steps/Logs:

I cloned and stood up an instance of the latest version of s3proxy locally and ran the following command from s3 cli:

aws s3 cp 666b2296638fe0de53a54633/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4 s3://XXXXXX/666b2296638fe0de53a54633/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4 --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8050

Got the following response:

upload failed: 666b2296638fe0de53a54633/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4 to s3://XXXXXXX/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4 An error occurred (BadDigest) when calling the UploadPart operation (reached max retries: 4): Bad Request

Here's the relevant chunk of the debug trace from s3proxy (with confidential info removed)

[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> PUT HTTP/1.1
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> x-ms-version: 2017-11-09
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:05:40 GMT
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> Authorization: SharedKeyLite XXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXX
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> Content-Type: application/unknown
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:43.418 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] >> Content-Length: 8388608
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 o.j.h.i.JavaUrlHttpCommandExecutorService:56 |::] Receiving response 235085911: HTTP/1.1 400 Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid.
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << HTTP/1.1 400 Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid.
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << x-ms-version: 2017-11-09
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << x-ms-error-code: InvalidQueryParameterValue
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << x-ms-request-id: 8a72448e-801e-0070-7ee9-c05393000000
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:05:42 GMT
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << Content-Type: application/xml
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.headers:56 |::] << Content-Length: 415
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.wire:56 |::] << "[0xef][0xbb][0xbf]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>InvalidQueryParameterValue</Code><Message>Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid.[\n]"
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.wire:56 |::] << "RequestId:8a72448e-801e-0070-7ee9-c05393000000[\n]"
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 jclouds.wire:56 |::] << "Time:2024-06-17T19:05:42.9571502Z</Message><QueryParameterName>blockid</QueryParameterName><QueryParameterValue>AAK_IA==</QueryParameterValue><Reason>Not a valid base64 string.</Reason></Error>"
[s3proxy] W 06-17 15:05:44.907 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 o.j.a.s.h.AzureStorageClientErrorRetryHandler:74 |::] Cannot retry after server error, command is not replayable: [method=org.jclouds.azureblob.AzureBlobClient.public abstract void org.jclouds.azureblob.AzureBlobClient.putBlock(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,[XXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXX/666b2296638fe0de53a54633.mp4, AAK_IA==, [content=true, contentMetadata=[cacheControl=null, contentDisposition=null, contentEncoding=null, contentLanguage=null, contentLength=8388608, contentMD5=null, contentType=application/unknown, expires=null], written=false, isSensitive=false]], request=PUT HTTP/1.1]
[s3proxy] D 06-17 15:05:44.908 S3Proxy-Jetty-51 o.gaul.s3proxy.S3ProxyHandler:2971 |::] sendSimpleErrorResponse: 400 BadDigest Bad Request {}

Let me know if there is any more info that would be helpful to provide (configs, ect.) or if there is anything else I should try. I appreciate your time and effort :)