Open tiagopn opened 4 years ago
I think this problem is related to this #2 . The problem is that the scripts do not install necessary packages to make Turtlebot 2 move in Gazebo. Especially this post led me to a solution. The Solution is, probably not optimal but working, to install kobuki_desktop, kobuki_core, kobuki_msgs and kobuki packages. Check out melodic branch where applicable. Build your catkin workspace and it should work in Gazebo. I also had to install an additional Ubuntu package pyqt5-dev-tools
for the catkin build to finish.
Nice! I managed to put rviz to work by not only installing the above packages but also the turtlebot_interactions package and I also needed to change the code from the view_model.launcher by copying it from the kobuki_desktop package.
However, the Navigation is not working, namely the mapping demo and amcl demo. Did anyone manage to put it working?
Rviz, at least using Gazebo, is not working. It is not able to load the robot model. If a run view_robot and then run view_model again, the robot appears but not sensor/actuator works (so the robot does not move or read from sensor data). Can you help me?