I am trying to run a simulation where I am adding a high or low track at random, and I expect that for the same amount of time (such as t = 40), as my rate of high tracks increases, the number of high tracks will increase but the number of low tracks will stay the same. To implement this, I used an if t > 40 break statement, and when I run the function, it gives me the results as expected. However, when I apply the derivative estimate, when rate of high tracks increases, I am getting a negative value for rate of low tracks. This should be the result I get if I did not implement a restraint on time. Is my problem due to using an if statement? If so, is there another way I can ensure my reaction always stops at the specified time instead of number of reaction steps?
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
# Function
function Gillespie_trial3(rh1, rl1)
s = [rand(1:1000) for i in 1:10000]
rh = rh1 #rate of high tracks
rl = rl1 #rate of low tracks
Rtot = rh + rl
t = 0 #s
tracks = 0
ltracks = 0
htracks = 0
times = Real[0]
alltracks = Real[0]
lowtracks = Real[0]
hightracks = Real[0]
for l in 1:500
dt = rand(Exponential(1/Rtot)) #time of next reaction
probs = [(rh / (rh + rl)), (rl / (rh + rl))]
step_index = rand(Categorical(probs)) #high or low dose rate
step = [1, 0][step_index]
tracks += step #whole number of tracks
t += dt
if t > 40
push!(times, t)
push!(alltracks, tracks)
htracks += step
ltracks += 1-step
push!(hightracks, htracks)
push!(lowtracks, ltracks)
return htracks, ltracks, t
#Testing function to see results
x = [0.75, 1.5]
println(Gillespie_trial3(x[1], x[2]))
x = [1.5, 1.5]
println(Gillespie_trial3(x[1], x[2]))
#Derivative estimate
x = [0.75, 1.5]
g(p, q) = Gillespie_trial3(p, q)
function deriv2(x)
a = derivative_estimate(l -> g(l, 1.5), x[1])
b = derivative_estimate(m -> g(0.75, m), x[2])
return a, b
I am trying to run a simulation where I am adding a high or low track at random, and I expect that for the same amount of time (such as t = 40), as my rate of high tracks increases, the number of high tracks will increase but the number of low tracks will stay the same. To implement this, I used an if t > 40 break statement, and when I run the function, it gives me the results as expected. However, when I apply the derivative estimate, when rate of high tracks increases, I am getting a negative value for rate of low tracks. This should be the result I get if I did not implement a restraint on time. Is my problem due to using an if statement? If so, is there another way I can ensure my reaction always stops at the specified time instead of number of reaction steps? Any help is appreciated, thank you!