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RAG Steps #4

Open gauravpandeyDL opened 5 months ago

gauravpandeyDL commented 5 months ago

Workflow Breakdown:

  1. Text File Upload

    • Function: Upload a text file containing the external knowledge base.
    • Process: Converts the file into a Document format.
  2. Recursive Character Text Splitter

    • Function: Splits the text file into smaller, manageable chunks.
    • Parameters:
      • Chunk Size: Controls the size of each chunk.
      • Chunk Overlap: Controls the overlap between chunks to maintain context.
  3. OpenAI Embeddings

    • Function: Generates vector representations for each text chunk using OpenAI's embedding model.
    • Purpose: Measures similarity between text chunks and queries.
  4. Pinecone

    • Function: Stores the embedding vectors in a Pinecone vector database.
    • Purpose: Optimized for fast similarity searches on vector data.
  5. Conversational Retrieval QA Chain

    • Function: Core of the RAG system; retrieves relevant chunks from the knowledge base.
    • Process: Uses Pinecone to fetch the most relevant chunks based on semantic similarity.
  6. ChatOpenAI

    • Function: Generates a response using OpenAI's Chat API.
    • Process: Combines the retrieved context from Pinecone with the user's query to generate a comprehensive answer.

Overall Process:

  1. User Query: The user asks a question.
  2. Query Vectorization: RAG system converts the question into a vector using OpenAI embeddings.
  3. Chunk Retrieval: Pinecone retrieves the most similar chunks from the knowledge base.
  4. Response Generation: ChatOpenAI uses the retrieved context and the query to generate an accurate response.

Detailed Information on Each Tool:

Recursive Character Text Splitter

Text File


OpenAI Embeddings

Conversational Retrieval QA Chain
