gauravsacc / MMM-GoogleAssistant

Google Assistant module for magic mirror
MIT License
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Does not animates when assistant is activated using the hotword 'Ok Google' - #48

Open nikhil-gupta89 opened 6 years ago

nikhil-gupta89 commented 6 years ago


The Google Assistant work fine for me with the speech, but it does not animate the Phares on the screen as I speak to GA. In fact, it just shows up the static GA logo.

Any suggestions?

gauravsacc commented 6 years ago

Hey @nikhil-gupta89 are you pubnub configurations correct? what do you see on the console window when you start the script

nikhil-gupta89 commented 6 years ago

@gauravsacc, It shows below Error

File "", line 27, in from google.assistant.library import Assistant ImportError: No module named assistant.library

gauravsacc commented 6 years ago

Well, then your google assistant library isn't correctly installed. Also, are you running it from the python virtual environment?

cojovi commented 6 years ago

i setup Google assistant FIRST from and it works fine. i then tried to integrate this module and that, and am having problems my OA-Auth is fine, i have the good assistant logo on my Magic Mirro, but no usage. what can i do?
side notes: GA still works in Terminal via : (env) pi@Raspberrypi: googlesamples-assistant-hotword --device-model-id abcd

any help here guys? @gauravsacc

sofiane-h commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue, the Google Assistant seems to work fine, it's triggered when I ask "Ok Google" and it answers well. The issue is that there is no animation when it's triggered. The GA icon stays in "inactive" state. The only error I have in the terminal is "No handlers could be found for logger "pubnub"".

Any help for this ?

varadwattamwar commented 3 years ago

Guys can you please help me out, in my sample code run google assistant is only responding 1-2 times in every 20 tries. I also changed my mic sensitivity but the results are same. Im using Raspberry pi 3B @sofiane-h @cojovi @gauravsacc @nikhil-gupta89