Closed ShaileshInfyom closed 7 years ago
Similar to issue #2
i can't found ng2-intl-tel-input
into node module
Hi @ShaileshInfyom , Facing some issues with angular-cli. Working on it.
@ShaileshInfyom , Updated package on npm. Please Update on your local. You need to add following in your :- "baseUrl": "", "paths": { "@angular/": [ "../node_modules/@angular/" ] },
Thanks for your time. now its working fine for me.
i add this line into my module into angular-cli project import {Ng2TelInputModule} from 'ng2-intl-tel-input' but i got error
not a module and i not foundng2-intl-tel-input
dir into node_moduleso, i tried to import
import {Ng2TelInputModule} from 'ng2-tel-input'
but got error.please help me what i doing wrong.