gausma / nodered-contrib-signal-client

Signal communicator client nodes for Node-RED
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Registration performed but send message error #4

Closed odenisnobre closed 3 years ago

odenisnobre commented 3 years ago

I did the setup and it's okay. But when I send the message as an example it returns an error:


hjboven commented 3 years ago

Hello dedynobre,

I had the same problem and the Page could do with some more explanation and examples.

My Injectionbutton does not throw an error anymore yet I do not seem to be able to deliver the message to my account on my handy.


MarkBorr commented 3 years ago

Hello! I had the same issue. Sending the registrationcode with a "-" between the first and second three numbers solved the problem for me. So you should try typing the registration code in the format xxx-xxx. Hope this helps.

hjboven commented 3 years ago

My registration worked alright it reports.


Yet sending altough it doesn not seem to give an Error does not deliver anything on my handy

gausma commented 3 years ago

Did you active the flag "Live Server" in your account before registration? Only a "Live Server" account can communicate with the client on your cell phone.

For safety, a Signal staging server (testing server) can be used while you carry out your experiments. This means that it will only send and receive messages from other clients using the staging server!

I've improved the error messages in version 2.0.2

sztof commented 3 years ago

My registration worked alright it reports.


Yet sending altough it doesn not seem to give an Error does not deliver anything on my handy


Please upgrade the signal messenger package, after that you'll see more information in debug info.

After succesfull registration I'm trying to send a message and error occurs payload: "Signal client error: {"successfulIdentifiers":[],"failoverIdentifiers":[],"errors":[{"name":"UnregisteredUserError","identifier":"+48XXXXXXXXX","code":404,"reason":"Failed to retrieve new device keys for number +48XXXXXXXXX"}],"unidentifiedDeliveries":[],"dataMessage":{"type":"Buffer","data":[50,6,225,171,225,144,135,180,56,221,141,155,169,240,46]}}"

+48XXXXXXXXX is a registered number in signal communicator.

also registration as "live server" seems not working "Signal client error: {"name":"HTTPError","code":423,"response":{"timeRemaining":573381733,"backupCredentials":{"username":"0577b52d-3d0f-42a9-bd39-8115a1ad1fed","password":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}}}" I can register only with "live server" turned off

giddyhup commented 3 years ago

Since I am running into the same issues and I think the documentation does not specifically state this: is the registration similar to adding an additional device to an already existing account or is it for a new primary account (a previously unregistered phone number)?

hjboven commented 3 years ago

Hi Giddyhup, It's an new primary Account so you need a new previously unregistred number. I fell into the same trap and took a while to figure it out.