gautada / neovim-container

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Figure out how to change the font for the xterm in wetty #4

Open gautada opened 1 year ago

gautada commented 1 year ago

Fontvariables --fa-font-brands: normal 400 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Brands"; --fa-font-duotone: normal 900 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Duotone"; --fa-font-light: normal 300 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Light"; --fa-font-regular: normal 400 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Regular"; --fa-font-solid: normal 900 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Solid"; --fa-font-thin: normal 100 1em/1 "Font Awesome 6 Thin";

gautada commented 1 year ago


gautada commented 1 year ago

default is: "courier-new, courier, monospace"

gautada commented 1 year ago

Wetty is dropped from this container, still valid but will need to be moved to the separate wetty container.