gautammalik-git / AutoDock-GPU-Pipeline

This pipeline facilitates setting up ligand docking against a protein using AutoDock-GPU. It streamlines the process of docking a ligand library onto a protein structure, leveraging the enhanced performance of AutoDock-GPU for faster results.
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energy_file = "checklines.txt" #1

Open wen1234defeng opened 4 months ago

wen1234defeng commented 4 months ago

What file is this "checklines.txt"? How did you get it?

gautammalik-git commented 4 months ago

Hey! I appreciate you investigating the matter. Essentially, it's a text document containing all compound names along with their binding affinities. It ought to be named 'Energy.txt' since the '' script saves the energies in that file. Thanks for catching the error. I've made the necessary updates to the '' file.

wen1234defeng commented 4 months ago


After I changed it to Energy.txt, the extracted "full_dir" directory was empty.

gautammalik-git commented 4 months ago

The purpose of the script is to duplicate the dlg files of the ligands into a new directory. This allows you to extract coordinates from these files to obtain a protein-ligand complex. In the file, there's a variable named 'dir', initially set as 'dir = lines[6:13]'. It should be adjusted to 'dir = lines[:13]'. Alternatively, you can directly download the updated file from the repository.

wen1234defeng commented 4 months ago

The purpose of the script is to duplicate the dlg files of the ligands into a new directory. This allows you to extract coordinates from these files to obtain a protein-ligand complex. In the file, there's a variable named 'dir', initially set as 'dir = lines[6:13]'. It should be adjusted to 'dir = lines[:13]'. Alternatively, you can directly download the updated file from the repository.

OK! Thank you very much. I have a question for you. When I was sorting out the ad_gpu docking results, I found that the small molecule was protonated, resulting in an abnormally low affinity (-30kcal/mol). This result bothers me very much, and I don’t know whether to keep it. SMILES C=C(CNC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCC[NH2+]1)OC@Hcc1)[C@@H] (CF)NC(=O)C(Cl)Cl

gautammalik-git commented 4 months ago

You can check the protonation state using different software, just set the pH to 7.4. If the protonation makes sense biologically, then keep the molecule. Also, try docking with the uncharged version to see if the charge is affecting the result.