gauteh / lieer

Fast email-fetching and sending and two-way tag synchronization between notmuch and GMail
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Google requires OAuth keys to be approved #100

Closed gauteh closed 4 years ago

gauteh commented 5 years ago

By Feb 19th google requires the API key to be approved. In order to do that an approved domain must be supplied (together with home page and privacy policy which must also be on the same domain). However, we use the local computer as domain when authorizing gmailieer to access an account.

Privacy policy is easy (except it cannot be on github since approved domain is the same) since only the user itself is storing the data.

Would be a pity to require all users to generate their own key. And also an unnecessary hassle and security liability to set up a domain/server which gmailiier must relay authorization through.

gauteh commented 5 years ago

Seems to have gone through.

gauteh commented 5 years ago

Apearantly it is illegal to be named or describe something with gmail in it, even in the url / domain name. Will have to get a new name if not going to require all users to create their own API key.

dtzWill commented 5 years ago

On Sat, 06 Apr 2019 10:53:58 -0700, Gaute Hope wrote:

Apearantly it is illegal to be named or describe something with gmail in it, even in the url / domain name. Will have to get a new name if not going to require all users to create their own API key.

What a lame choice to have to make :(. Thanks for keeping things going, and posting updates!

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artizirk commented 5 years ago

new name: gmuch or glieer?

gauteh commented 5 years ago

maybe just lieer? smaller chance that google will have trouble with it and a little easier to say.

tadfisher commented 5 years ago


gauteh commented 5 years ago

Heh, can't contain the phrase gmail or anything else google-ish.

gauteh commented 5 years ago

Now we are lieer!

dtzWill commented 5 years ago

And there was much rejoicing!


On Wed, 01 May 2019 00:33:47 -0700, Gaute Hope wrote:

Now we are lieer!

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gauteh commented 5 years ago

Next chapter in this story, and possibly last (not in a good way)... either I've somehow managed to trigger all their red lights or a lot of apps are going to be in trouble, especially the security check on $15.000 seems a bit stiff:

Dear Developer,

Thank you for your patience while we reviewed your project.

Please make sure your request satisfies the following information:

Scopes selection and justification

    Your requested scope(s) must be as granular as possible (if your
    requested scope goes beyond the usage needed, then we will either reject
    your request or suggest a more applicable scope). You must provide a
    detailed justification for your requested scope(s) as well as an
    explanation for why a narrower scope would not be sufficient. Example:
    my app will use to show a
    user's Google calendar data on the scheduling screen of my app, so that
    users can manage their schedules through my app and sync the changes
    with their Google calendar.​

App demonstration video

    You must provide a YouTube link to a video, in English, that fully
    demonstrates the OAuth grant process by users and shows, in detail, the
    usage of restricted/sensitive scopes within the app’s functionality for
    each OAuth client belonging to the project. If your app requires
    registration or features a local login, please whitelist/authorize our
    test email account to enable us to validate your
    app’s functionality through testing. OR if your project requires
    prepared conditions, please provide us with the username and password of
    a test account that is registered for your app. The video must clearly
    show the app's details such as the app name, OAuth Client ID, etc. as
    applicable. The demo video must show usage of sensitive and restricted
    scopes on each OAuth client. Including the video along with the
    verification request will speed up the approval process significantly.
    We will not grant approval if you don't adequately explain scope usage
    on each OAuth client ID. Additionally, if any of your OAuth clients, in
    the project requesting verification, are not ready to be put into
    production, we will not be able to complete our review and your request
    will be rejected. We require that you separate your testing/development
    and production projects. We will thoroughly test your apps.

Failure to satisfy/provide the preceding information might result in a
rejection of your request. To avoid this outcome, update the applicable
information in your request to meet our requirements.

Limited Use requirements

If your app uses restricted scopes, ensure your app's privacy policy complies
with the Limited Use section of the API policies. Your privacy policy will be
thoroughly reviewed by our team following the four elements of the Limited
Use requirements.

Security assessment

As your application is sending or has the ability to send Google user data
from a Restricted Scope to remote servers, then our verification process
requires that your app undergo a security assessment to demonstrate a minimum
level of capability in handling data securely and deleting user data upon
user request. Depending on the scope and complexity of your app, the cost for
the third-party assessment might vary from $15,000 to $75,000. We will
provide further information once your project has reached this stage of the
verification process. Until then, please do not pursue a security assessment
until you have received instructions from our team.

App types not applicable for verification

    Apps for internal use only (single domain use) Apps for personal use
    only Apps that are Gmail SMTP plug-ins for WordPress Apps that are in
    development or staging/testing

If your application is one of the not applicable app types mentioned above,
please reply to this email confirming which app type so we can provide you
with the next steps.

You can find more information in the OAuth Application Verification FAQ
erickoledadevrel commented 5 years ago

Hello, Googler here! Unfortunately these new policies around data protection are pretty sweeping. I've reached out to see if there is any distinction made for Open Source projects, and I'll let you know what I hear.

erickoledadevrel commented 5 years ago

So, bad news. The Google APIs Terms of Service state:

Developer credentials may not be embedded in open source projects.

Which you seem to be doing here:

The best course of action is likely to remove the credentials from the project and have the users register and insert their own credentials. You can provide instructions in the README, and/or partially automate part of the process like GAM does here:

gauteh commented 5 years ago

That is a pity 😕 thanks for checking. Is a Gsuite setup necessary?

It did not use to be too many steps required, but it will definitely make it harder for new users to get started.

ons. 29. mai 2019 kl. 02:29 skrev Eric Koleda

So, bad news. The Google APIs Terms of Service state:

Developer credentials may not be embedded in open source projects.

Which you seem to be doing here:

The best course of action is likely to remove the credentials from the project and have the users register and insert their own credentials. You can provide instructions in the README, and/or partially automate part of the process like GAM does here:

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erickoledadevrel commented 5 years ago

No, any consumer ( account can register a Cloud Console project and get the credentials.

gauteh commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it would be meaningless to go through all this without keeping the client keys secret.

gauteh commented 4 years ago

I got a response from Google recently, after having explained the situation, that the request has been approved! Hopefully everything will be good now! I was open about having to include the client secrets in the open source code.