gavanderhoorn / rossum

A CMake-like build file generator for Fanuc Robotics (Karel) projects.
Apache License 2.0
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Reg key search for roboguide fails using roboguide v9 #25

Closed kobbled closed 5 years ago

kobbled commented 5 years ago

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FANUC\ROBOGUIDE is not in my reg keys for roboguide v9.

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

Could you show the output of rossum <other args> -v on your system?

Redact paths if necessary/desired, but please leave the Roboguide related output in tact.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FANUC\ROBOGUIDE is not in my reg keys for roboguide v9.

Do you have any keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FANUC?


kobbled commented 5 years ago

Yes I have the keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FANUC.

Here is the output:

INFO     | This is rossum v0.1.6
DEBUG    | Checking: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build\robot.ini
WARNING  | No robot.ini in CWD, and no alternative provided, trying source space
DEBUG    | Checking: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\robot.ini
INFO     | Found robot.ini in source space
DEBUG    | Couldn't access Windows registry, trying other methods
WARNING  | Can't find FANUC base-dir using registry, switching to file-system search
DEBUG    | Looking in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC'
DEBUG    | Found FANUC base-dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC
INFO     | Using C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC as FANUC software base directory
DEBUG    | Trying to auto-detect ktrans location ..
DEBUG    | Looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC\WinOLPC\bin ..
DEBUG    | Found ktrans.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC\WinOLPC\bin
INFO     | ktrans location: C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC\WinOLPC\bin\ktrans.exe
INFO     | Setting default system core version to: V9.10-1
INFO     | Karel core support dir: C:\Users\matt\Documents\My Workcells\cell-3\Robot_1\support
INFO     | ktransw location: ktransw.cmd
DEBUG    | Using build file template: C:\Users\matt\Dropbox\Programming\Fanuc\rossum-0.1.4-distrib\
INFO     | Source space(s) searched for packages (in order: src, args):
INFO     |   c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
DEBUG    | Searching in c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
DEBUG    |   found 2 manifest(s)
DEBUG    | Found 2 manifest(s) total
DEBUG    | Loaded package.json from c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\lib_a
DEBUG    | Loaded package.json from c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\prog_x
INFO     | Found 2 package(s) in source space(s):
DEBUG    |   found 10 manifest(s)
INFO     | Found 10 package(s) in other location(s):
DEBUG    | Checking dependencies for: lib_a, prog_x, , errors, iofile, registers, Hash, KUnit, Strings
DEBUG    |   lib_a - deps: none
DEBUG    |     satisfied
DEBUG    |   prog_x - deps: lib_a
DEBUG    |     satisfied
DEBUG    |    - deps: none
DEBUG    |     satisfied
DEBUG    | Resolving dependencies for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     lib_a: found
DEBUG    | Resolving includes for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |     added 1 path(s)
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     added 1 path(s)
DEBUG    |     added 1 path(s)
DEBUG    | Generating src to obj mappings for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |     adding: src\a.kl -> a.pc
DEBUG    |     adding: src\foo.kl -> foo.pc
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     adding: src\prog_x.kl -> prog_x.pc
INFO     | Building 2 package(s)
INFO     | Build configuration:
INFO     |   source dir: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
INFO     |   build dir : c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build
INFO     |   robot.ini : c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\robot.ini
INFO     | Writing generated rules to c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build\
DEBUG    | Processing template
DEBUG    | Shutting down empy
INFO     | Configuration successful, you may now run 'ninja' in the build directory.
gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

Could you please include the command line that you used to invoke rossum?

Yes I have the keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FANUC.

What is the output if you add --rg32 to the options?

Also, I noticed this:

Checking dependencies for: lib_a, prog_x, , errors, iofile, registers, Hash, KUnit, Strings

Notice the two consecutive commas there.

Do you have a package that has no name?

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

Oh, and: from this:

INFO     | Karel core support dir: C:\Users\matt\Documents\My Workcells\cell-3\Robot_1\support

I understand that the output you show is from a modified version of rossum? With #23 merged?

kobbled commented 5 years ago

Sorry this is upstream. Disregard the one above it includes other stuff I was playing around with.

> rossum ../src -v --rg32 --core V9.10-1
INFO     | This is rossum v0.1.6
DEBUG    | Checking: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build\robot.ini
WARNING  | No robot.ini in CWD, and no alternative provided, trying source space
DEBUG    | Checking: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\robot.ini
INFO     | Found robot.ini in source space
DEBUG    | Couldn't access Windows registry, trying other methods
WARNING  | Can't find FANUC base-dir using registry, switching to file-system search
DEBUG    | Looking in 'C:\Program Files\Fanuc'
DEBUG    | Looking in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc'
DEBUG    | Found FANUC base-dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc
INFO     | Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc as FANUC software base directory
DEBUG    | Trying to auto-detect ktrans location ..
DEBUG    | Looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\bin ..
DEBUG    | Found ktrans.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\bin
INFO     | ktrans location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\bin\ktrans.exe
INFO     | Setting default system core version to: V9.10-1
DEBUG    | Trying to find support dir for core version: V9.10-1
DEBUG    | Looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\Versions\V910-1\support ..
DEBUG    | Found V9.10-1 support dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\Versions\V910-1\support
INFO     | Karel core support dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fanuc\WinOLPC\Versions\V910-1\support
INFO     | ktransw location: ktransw.cmd
DEBUG    | Using build file template: C:\Users\matt\Dropbox\Programming\Fanuc\rossum-0.1.4-distrib\
INFO     | Source space(s) searched for packages (in order: src, args):
INFO     |   c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
DEBUG    | Searching in c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
DEBUG    |   found 2 manifest(s)
DEBUG    | Found 2 manifest(s) total
DEBUG    | Loaded package.json from c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\lib_a
DEBUG    | Loaded package.json from c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\prog_x
INFO     | Found 2 package(s) in source space(s):
INFO     |   lib_a (v0.0.1)
INFO     |   prog_x (v0.0.2)
DEBUG    | Checking dependencies for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a - deps: none
DEBUG    |     satisfied
DEBUG    |   prog_x - deps: lib_a
DEBUG    |     satisfied
DEBUG    | Resolving dependencies for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     lib_a: found
DEBUG    | Resolving includes for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |     added 1 path(s)
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     added 2 path(s)
DEBUG    | Generating src to obj mappings for: lib_a, prog_x
DEBUG    |   lib_a
DEBUG    |     adding: src\a.kl -> a.pc
DEBUG    |     adding: src\foo.kl -> foo.pc
DEBUG    |   prog_x
DEBUG    |     adding: src\prog_x.kl -> prog_x.pc
INFO     | Building 2 package(s)
INFO     | Build configuration:
INFO     |   source dir: c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src
INFO     |   build dir : c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build
INFO     |   robot.ini : c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\src\robot.ini
INFO     | Writing generated rules to c:\Users\matt\Documents\GitHub\rossum_example_ws\build\
DEBUG    | Processing template
DEBUG    | Shutting down empy
INFO     | Configuration successful, you may now run 'ninja' in the build directory.
gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

Ah, ok.

When I first added the registry access, the code I used as a reference had the import as _winreg, but that module doesn't exist any more in Python 3.

It's winreg now, but that also seems to work in Python 2, so I've just fixed that in #26.

Could you test and see whether that fixes it for you as well?

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

I'll also extend the file-system based search paths with the usual D:\ paths, as Roboguide does get installed there a lot.

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

See #27.

kobbled commented 5 years ago

Yes, #26 is working for me now :) INFO | Found Roboguide version: V9.1098 (Rev.F)

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

Good to hear. I'll merge #26.