gavin-norman-sociomantic / the-crystal-sphere

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Organise deliveries, including registering a space on the street #34

Closed gavin-norman-sociomantic closed 7 years ago

gavin-norman-sociomantic commented 8 years ago

We have:

crystal-lotus commented 8 years ago

Let's include the dates here too.

Painting needs to happen first. Ideally between Monday, September 5 - 9 (sometime in this week, best if earlier in the week, for 3 coats of paint.

Kitchen delivery on Monday, September 12

Sofa and bed delivery dates?? Best if after painting...

crystal-lotus commented 8 years ago

Moving is ideally on Saturday September 24 or Sunday the 25th?!

Crystal Maze on Wednesday the 28th.

(We have off from September 24th - October 2.)

gavin-norman-sociomantic commented 8 years ago

Painting needs to happen first. Ideally between Monday, September 5 - 9 (sometime in this week, best if earlier in the week, for 3 coats of paint.

Why not the week of August 29th - September 2nd?

crystal-lotus commented 8 years ago

Just to keep things interesting, I have a major deadline on September 9 (also my mom's b-day), so will probably have to work at some point that weekend also.

crystal-lotus commented 8 years ago

Why not the week of August 29th - September 2nd?

It could also be possible but maybe risky? What if you find something is wrong during the key hand-over and it needs fixing?

crystal-lotus commented 8 years ago

we know for sure that the moving people arrange official stuff like our spot on the street?

gavin-norman-sociomantic commented 8 years ago

Yeah, it was written on the contract and I specifically asked them about the official registration stuff.

gavin-norman-sociomantic commented 7 years ago

It doesn't really seem like it's necessary for anything except the moving truck.