gavinfay / fluke-mafmc-recdisc

Code for runnning analyses for the 2021 MAFMC Summer Flounder MSE focused on recreational discards
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validating OM #8

Closed gavinfay closed 1 year ago

gavinfay commented 2 years ago
  1. growth params used in sinatra, (females, males). Linf, VBK, tzero 62.12 0.2 -2.66 53.195 0.213 -2.66 tzero set based on matching expected length at age in middle of year with mean length at age from 2019 for fully selected age classes (averaged over fleets for relevant age classes) Gives distribution for length at age in middle of year (used as the basis for calculating expected distributions for fishery catch at length, vulnerable biomass, etc.)


gavinfay commented 2 years ago

Weight at age (females & males) Based on W-L relationship. W=a*L^b a = 3.55809e-06 b= 3.278


gavinfay commented 2 years ago


Maturity at length ogive fit to expected maturity at age (from 2021 MTA).



gavinfay commented 2 years ago

Selectivity at length

Fit to Selectivity at age for each fleet from 2021 MTA, assuming growth above, and 50:50 sex ratio. (logistic for landings, double logistic for discards)


(modded from calcs done by @sgaichas due to revisions made to the growth, as detailed above)

gavinfay commented 2 years ago

Selectivity at age

Derived selectivity at age by sex based on above length curves.


gavinfay commented 2 years ago

Operating Model expected distribution for 2019 catch at age composition by fleet compared to the real data. (OM draws 2019 numbers at age from the posterior of the 2021 MTA) image Some under-prediction of age 1s & 2s in the recreational landings

gavinfay commented 2 years ago

Operating model predictions for 2019 recreational fleet length comps compared to the 2019 data. image Possibly some inconsistency between the recreational landings age data and the length comps, given the growth & selectivities applied. (perhaps also some nuances associated with uneven sex ratios that are not captured in the calculations).

Regardless, overall these seem to be characterizing the 2019 fishery well.

@sgaichas @acarrharris @gdepiper @JDeroba @BMuffley-MAFMC any thoughts?