gavinmcfarland / flex-gap-polyfill

A PostCSS plugin to emulate flex gap using margins
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Doesn't work as expected when there're multiple selectors in the same rule #71

Closed BeiyanYunyi closed 1 year ago

BeiyanYunyi commented 1 year ago

The minimal reproduction is here.

I was using windicss before. Since I've switched to unocss, I've found that the flex-gap-polyfill plugin doesn't work as expected, in a flex container with gaps, elements will have a wrong size.

Then I started to make a minimal reproduction of the bug, and found another necessary condition to reproduce the bug: the attributify preset of unocss. To reproduce the bug, we need a element with a flex attribute (with any or none prefix). When the related css is packed, the bug will happen.

Windicss also has attributify mode, but it won't trigger this bug.

Steps to reproduce

pnpm i
pnpm dev

Open index.html, see the follow lines and try it:

<!--Delete (instead of commenting as unocss will not regard the syntax) the next line, restart the dev server and refresh the page to see the expected behavior-->
<div anyPrefix-flex="~ col"></div>

Or run pnpm build to see the output in dist/assets/index-[hash].css


Unocss's output is unocss_output.css, and windicss's output is windicss_output.css. The difference is:

/* Unocss */
[anyPrefix-flex~="~"] > * > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: initial;
[anyPrefix-flex~="~"] > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: !important;
  --element-has-fgp: initial;
  pointer-events: var(--parent-has-fgp) auto;
/* Windicss */
.flex > * > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: initial;
.flex > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: !important;
  --element-has-fgp: initial;
  pointer-events: var(--parent-has-fgp) auto;
[anyPrefix-flex~="~"] > * > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: initial;
[anyPrefix-flex~="~"] > * {
  --parent-has-fgp: !important;
  --element-has-fgp: initial;
  pointer-events: var(--parent-has-fgp) auto;

It seems like that the flex-gap-polyfill plugin doesn't work as expected when there're multiple selectors in the same rule, which causes the bug.

gavinmcfarland commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for highlighting this. Just to clarify, the issue occurs when there are a group of selectors used separated by a comma. I can't believe I missed this.

I've reviewed your changes, and all seem to work fine. I'll pull them and publish the changes to npm. Thanks again!