Closed balathl closed 6 years ago
I don't think autoplot()
methods for ordinations will ever have the level of control you are looking for. Instead you should do this using fortify()
. At the moment the fortify()
method for objects of class "cca"
will get you a tidy data frame of scores. What you need to do is add the unit
column to the data frame of scores. Typically this is done with the data
argument, but I haven't implemented this yet in ggvegan.
What I suggest therefore is that you extract the scores using fortify(my.cca, display = "sites")
and then (after checking your OTU data are in the same row order as the units
), just cbind()
or dplyr::bind_cols()
the unit
vector on to the data frame of scores.
I am trying to plot the CCA with sample "sites" coloured by their site info. I did not find any option with autoplot function in ggvegan. I want to make sure it is not available here before i try some other tools. Thanks in advance!
Below is my code: install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("biom", "joey711") library(biom) library(vegan) otus.biom <- read_biom('otu.table.json.fmt.biom') otus <- as.matrix(biom_data(otus.biom)) otus <- t(otus) map <- read.csv('DNA.dis.microbiol.txt', sep='\t', header=T, row.names=1) common.ids <- intersect(rownames(map), rownames(otus)) otus <- otus[common.ids,] map <- map[common.ids,] <- cca(otus) plot( my.cca <- cca(otus ~ AOC + MAP + HPC + VLP + DAPI, data=map, na.action=na.exclude) devtools::install_github("gavinsimpson/ggvegan") library("ggvegan") autoplot(my.cca)
Basically, what i look in ggvegan package is to have options to use the "units" column in below mapping file for the colouring of sites. Also, i want to reduce the size of the "species".
head(map,100) coding units AOC MAP HPC VLP DAPI 1B06_DNA_Co_C_1_wk1 1B06.DNA.Co.C.1.wk1 C 127 0.04 5 7140000 120000 1C04_DNA_Co_C_1_wk2 1C04.DNA.Co.C.1.wk2 C 126 0.04 5 6700000 77000 2B06_DNA_Co_C_1_wk1 2B06.DNA.Co.C.1.wk1 C 210 0.1 30 8000000 92000 2C03_DNA_Co_C_1_wk2 2C03.DNA.Co.C.1.wk2 C 151 0.04 20 8200000 120000 3B12_DNA_Co_C_1_wk1 3B12.DNA.Co.C.1.wk1 C 168 0.73 20 390000 78000 3C04_DNA_Co_C_1_wk2 3C04.DNA.Co.C.1.wk2 C 152 0.69 40 2600000 71000 4G02_DNA_Co_C_1_wk2 4G02.DNA.Co.C.1.wk2 C 90 0.09 350 5900000 110000 1B07_DNA_Co_C_2_wk1 1B07.DNA.Co.C.2.wk1 C 198 0.1 5 NA 67000 1C05_DNA_Co_C_2_wk2 1C05.DNA.Co.C.2.wk2 C 171 0.04 10 7400000 41000 2B07_DNA_Co_C_2_wk1 2B07.DNA.Co.C.2.wk1 C 193 0.1 30 9000000 98000 2C04_DNA_Co_C_2_wk2 2C04.DNA.Co.C.2.wk2 C 137 0.04 110 9300000 90000 3C01_DNA_Co_C_2_wk1 3C01.DNA.Co.C.2.wk1 C 140 0.58 20 3700000 11000 3C05_DNA_Co_C_2_wk2 3C05.DNA.Co.C.2.wk2 C 125 0.77 70 400000 62000 4F06_DNA_Co_C_2_wk1 4F06.DNA.Co.C.2.wk1 C 92 0.18 5 4500000 81000 4G03_DNA_Co_C_2_wk2 4G03.DNA.Co.C.2.wk2 C 89 0.07 110 4900000 48000 1C01_DNA_Co_C_3_wk1 1C01.DNA.Co.C.3.wk1 C 126 0.04 5 8000000 63000 1C07_DNA_Co_C_3_wk2 1C07.DNA.Co.C.3.wk2 C 254 0.04 10 6000000 55000 2B09_DNA_Co_C_3_wk1 2B09.DNA.Co.C.3.wk1 C 154 0.04 70 8300000 120000 2C06_DNA_Co_C_3_wk2 2C06.DNA.Co.C.3.wk2 C 146 0.19 150 6700000 165000 3C03_DNA_Co_C_3_wk1 3C03.DNA.Co.C.3.wk1 C 173 0.52 240 180000 62000 3C07_DNA_Co_C_3_wk2 3C07.DNA.Co.C.3.wk2 C 93 0.88 1100 460000 74000 4F08_DNA_Co_C_3_wk1 4F08.DNA.Co.C.3.wk1 C 84 0.04 70 1200000 76000 1B09_DNA_Co_D_1_wk1 1B09.DNA.Co.D.1.wk1 D 117 0.1 1200 960000 69000 1C08_DNA_Co_D_1_wk2 1C08.DNA.Co.D.1.wk2 D 187 0.1 1200 1500000 36000 2B10_DNA_Co_D_1_wk1 2B10.DNA.Co.D.1.wk1 D 196 0.1 1100 950000 20000 2C07_DNA_Co_D_1_wk2 2C07.DNA.Co.D.1.wk2 D 108 0.16 1000 1000000 23000 3B08_DNA_Co_D_1_wk1 3B08.DNA.Co.D.1.wk1 D 118 0.36 1900 2800000 81000 3C08_DNA_Co_D_1_wk2 3C08.DNA.Co.D.1.wk2 D 96 0.18 6700 3100000 72000 4F10_DNA_Co_D_1_wk1 4F10.DNA.Co.D.1.wk1 D 58 0.1 1500 4800000 26000 4H02_DNA_Co_D_1_wk2 4H02.DNA.Co.D.1.wk2 D NA 2100 1600000 35000
1B10_DNA_Co_D_2_wk1 1B10.DNA.Co.D.2.wk1 D 128 0.1 160 730000 51000
1C09_DNA_Co_D_2_wk2 1C09.DNA.Co.D.2.wk2 D 186 0.1 150 850000 27000
2B11_DNA_Co_D_2_wk1 2B11.DNA.Co.D.2.wk1 D 240 0.1 1100 1100000 15000
2C08_DNA_Co_D_2_wk2 2C08.DNA.Co.D.2.wk2 D 123 0.09 510 1000000 20000
3B09_DNA_Co_D_2_wk1 3B09.DNA.Co.D.2.wk1 D 120 0.43 1000 2300000 60000
3C09_DNA_Co_D_2_wk2 3C09.DNA.Co.D.2.wk2 D 139 0.16 1400 2500000 56000
4F11_DNA_Co_D_2_wk1 4F11.DNA.Co.D.2.wk1 D 95 0.07 1100 1800000 29000
4H03_DNA_Co_D_2_wk2 4H03.DNA.Co.D.2.wk2 D NA 240 990000 30000
1B12_DNA_Co_D_3_wk1 1B12.DNA.Co.D.3.wk1 D 103 0.1 550 740000 40000
1C11_DNA_Co_D_3_wk2 1C11.DNA.Co.D.3.wk2 D 175 0.1 470 950000 46000
2C01_DNA_Co_D_3_wk1 2C01.DNA.Co.D.3.wk1 D 257 0.1 1600 990000 33000
2C10_DNA_Co_D_3_wk2 2C10.DNA.Co.D.3.wk2 D 78 0.18 1600 1200000 42000
3B11_DNA_Co_D_3_wk1 3B11.DNA.Co.D.3.wk1 D 137 0.49 2200 2600000 63000
3C11_DNA_Co_D_3_wk2 3C11.DNA.Co.D.3.wk2 D 174 0.47 5100 2000000 54000
4G01_DNA_Co_D_3_wk1 4G01.DNA.Co.D.3.wk1 D 66 0.14 1000 1600000 20000
4H05_DNA_Co_D_3_wk2 4H05.DNA.Co.D.3.wk2 D NA 500 1400000 20000
3C12_DNA_Co_E_1_wk1 3C12.DNA.Co.E.1.wk1 E 74 5 20 NA 17000
1D01_DNA_Co_E_2_wk1 1D01.DNA.Co.E.2.wk1 E 64 3 50 380000 23000
1D05_DNA_Co_E_2_wk2 1D05.DNA.Co.E.2.wk2 E 63 4 90 730000 34000
2C12_DNA_Co_E_2_wk1 2C12.DNA.Co.E.2.wk1 E 9 4 20 710000 41000
3D06_DNA_Co_E_2_wk2 3D06.DNA.Co.E.2.wk2 E 96 6 100 510000 41000
4G06_DNA_Co_E_2_wk1 4G06.DNA.Co.E.2.wk1 E 52 5 70 540000 50000
Let me know the possibilities! Thanks in advance for the help.
Best Regards, Bala