gavinwei121 / Jetmaker

An easy Python framework to build distributed systems
MIT License
34 stars 1 forks source link

Some Questions About JetMaker #1

Open OOPMan opened 4 days ago

OOPMan commented 4 days ago

Random spam email led me here.

Codebase looks to be basically AI generated basic sockets nonsense.

Discord link doesn't work.

Reddit posts show a history of spamming this project over the last two weeks.

Remeny doesn't exist as a company.

Searching for Jetmaker on Google yields a company on AliBaba selling stuff.


Is this some kind of elaborate SEO scam?

ConnerAdamsMaine commented 4 days ago

Why do you assume it's a scam? Unpack it and look at the code. Tell me if you see anything wrong. I'll tell you why you won't, because not everything on GitHub is there to steal your data.

OOPMan commented 4 days ago


I looked at this code. Nothing of interest to see. Super basic CS 101 sockets stuff.

I have gotten spam emails about projects like this before.

Highly doubt this is anything legit.

gavinwei121 commented 4 days ago


thanks for your questions, let me clarify any confusion you have about us ^_^, let me explain about us, we did do some promotions about this project, if this ever disturbed you, I express my apology to you, hope you can understand.

Secondly, you found too little information about us, unfortunately, Remeny is currently not famous yet, we are still early. If this causes any of your uncertainty about us, please give us some patience and wish us good luck to be known more widely. I'm frustrated of my mistake with the Discord link, maybe my setup is not done correctly, let me fix it.

Lastly, it is possible your technical skills are way better than mine, this is why you might have found the codebase too simple for you, it would be awesome if you would like to give some of your attention to JetMaker and give us suggestions to do better.

gavinwei121 commented 4 days ago

@ConnerAdamsMaine thanks for your support and trust in this project, people who trust JetMaker like you are why we found our efforts worth doing. We will continue to make JetMaker better. ^_^ Thanks again for your trust.

ConnerAdamsMaine commented 4 days ago

Checked out the code myself, yeah it's super simple socket code but at the same time that's super simple socket code you don't have to write out for yourself anymore. Is that not the point of modules? To make it easier to write the code, make it simpler to write more? I apologize, I likely have not been coding as long as you have, a mere 3 1/2 years, but I see no problem with this code or the fact that you can't find anything related to the company. You're not going to find any information relevant to my company either and yet... it's still here, it still has clients, it still makes me money, and it's still doing work.

OOPMan commented 3 days ago

@gavinwei121 @ConnerAdamsMaine I just find it kinda bizarre that you're here posting this project all over Reddit (and having the posts removed for being spammy) and promoting it by emailing random people when it is basically just a skeleton that just uses TCP to send numbers around.

Calling this a framework for distributed application development is a joke.

Build it first then ask for comments. Don't put up a repo full of basically nothing and spam people asking for comments because all you're going to get are people like me suspecting you're involved in some kind of SEO pumping because the actual "framework" is is baby stuff.

As it stands, no one is going to use what you have here. There are tons of other actually developed projects that people could use.

I guess maybe that's the scam? Put up a project and then try to get random strangers off the internet to build it for you?

Bnaya commented 2 days ago

It smells to me like a build-up for a supply chain attack

OOPMan commented 2 days ago

It smells to me like a build-up for a supply chain attack

I had wondered if that might be the case too...