gavryushkin / curvatureNNI

What is an elementary modification of a discrete time-tree? Exploring the geometry and Ricci-Ollivier curvature of discrete phylogenetic time-trees.
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A new title? #6

Closed matsen closed 8 years ago

matsen commented 8 years ago

I'd like to start the bidding on a new title. Currently it's

Nearest neighbors of discrete time-trees

which is fine, though doesn't seem to really capture what the paper is about.

Some suggestions:

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

I am wondering what is your opinion on what should be stressed in the title: time-trees or NNI? It seems Erick wants the former. Initially, I put NNI in the title because the whole thing started with thinking what is the analog of NNI for ranked trees, then it became clear that if you change topologies and ranks independently, you end up with something barely distinguishable from NNI, and then the RNNI came about. Now it appears to me that RNNI is the way to extend NNI to ranked topologies, so I wanted to shadow this in the title.


The title is only important for a (normally short) initial period of the paper existence. After that period, a paper either is forgotten or becomes classic. In both of these outcomes the title doesn't matter.


What do you think is the best to include in the title to attract the attention of potential readers in the short term? At this stage, as we are aiming at SODA, the attention is mainly sought from algorithmists and combinatorialists, but in a bit longer run we of course are aimed at the biomath/compbio audience.

@alexeid: May I ask what you think?

matsen commented 8 years ago

The title is only important for a (normally short) initial period of the paper existence. After that period, a paper either is forgotten or becomes classic. In both of these outcomes the title doesn't matter.

OMG I love this.

cwhidden commented 8 years ago

I tend to feel the same way about titles, but I do think that having a good title is at least a little bit important for getting an interested editor and/or reviewers. SODA papers tend to have catchy titles, although I don't know if this is causative or just tradition.

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

:+1: for a catchy title.

cwhidden commented 8 years ago

In this case, I agree that the current title should be changed. I didn't really pay much attention until now, but it might be construed as being about some sort of nearest neighbor clustering method instead of about NNI operations.

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

JFYI: SODA = Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

(All Erick's suggestion take into account)

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

Do you know what is a non-discrete algorithm?

matsen commented 8 years ago

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

Oh dear I'm dying!!

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago
cwhidden commented 8 years ago

Discrete Algorithms is more or less a fancy word for Computer Science in this case. To me it suggests that there should be a discrete math aspect to the problems studied, but the topic list is quite broad (below). :

Themes and application areas include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Aspects of Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics, such as:

Algebra Combinatorial Structures Discrete Optimization Discrete Probability Finite Metric Spaces Graph Theory Mathematical Programming Number Theory Random Structures Topological Problems Aspects of Computer Science, such as:

Algorithm Analysis and Complexity Algorithmic Game Theory Algorithmic Mechanism Design Combinatorial Scientific Computing Communication Networks and the Internet Computational Geometry & Topology Computer Graphics and Computer Vision Computer Systems Cryptography and Computer Security Data Compression Data Structures Databases and Information Retrieval Distributed and Parallel Computing Experimental Algorithmics Machine Learning Quantum Computing Robotics Symbolic Computation Applications in the Sciences and Business such as:

Bioinformatics Economics Finance Manufacturing Physics Sociology

cwhidden commented 8 years ago

How about "Combinatorics of discretized time-trees: algorithmic insights and open problems"?

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

So, in our case those are:

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

Chris' suggestion is quite nice!

A general question: do we want "discretized time-trees" or "discrete time-trees"?

matsen commented 8 years ago

👍 for Chris' suggestion.

I suggest "discrete".

gavryushkin commented 8 years ago

Chris' suggestion it is.