gawel / pyquery

A jquery-like library for python
2.29k stars 182 forks source link

Fix some rst in CHANGES.rst #158

Closed asottile closed 7 years ago

gawel commented 7 years ago

You're sure that this is your last changes ? You have to understand that I can make a release each day. pyquery is followed/packaged by some linux distros and I don't want to bother them with 365 releases per year. If you really need a up to date version you can always use pip install -e git+giturl

asottile commented 7 years ago

Sorry about the many changes. I'm currently hacking through a very large codebase and hitting lots of edgecases. I think this should be the last of them but you can hold off on releasing until next week if it's too much work :)

gawel commented 7 years ago

No problem. Your contributions are very welcome.

Releasing is not hard work. I'm using the fullrelease script of zest.releaser. This big red button do everything for you: bump version in & changelog / git tag / sdist / upload to pypi. This take at least 5s :)

I just want to avoid unnecessary release. Try to use the pip -e trick if possible. You can freeze at a specific changeset if you want a "stable" base. pip -e git+giturl@changeset as I remember

asottile commented 7 years ago

yep that's what I'm already doing :)

we of course have release processes which prevent us from going to production like that but for development it works :)