gawindx / WinNUT-Client

This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consider moving configuration away from Registry #105

Open gbakeman opened 2 years ago

gbakeman commented 2 years ago


Currently, WinNUT stores its configuration in the Windows Registry. I've seen at least a few people who have had problems with this because of a stale configuration that was left in the registry. It's difficult to clear configuration, view it, save it and restore it.


hACKrus commented 2 years ago

This is client for Windows, there registry is common store for settings. If you need INI - use other clients.

FileCity commented 2 years ago

@hACKrus, I understand your point. Having it in the registry is for convenience. It's not the easiest location to fetch from to a backup location if a user wants to keep a safe copy in case of a restore or emergency. Having it in on a local file is easier in that case, but... A menu option can be added to export the configuration from the registry to a file. This file can be JSON or another format. So it's more a developer personal preference... ... Either locations are fine... Linux doesn't really have a registry equivalent solution and people are not missing it... This is my personal opinion.

gbakeman commented 2 years ago

Those are good points by both, thank you. I'd like to see WinNUT run cross-platform some day so that may necessitate at least abstracting the save system. Most of the work is already done IIRC since we have a NUT_Configuration (or NUT_Settings, I can't remember) object that keeps track of program configuration. All we'd need to do is then make some functionality to save/load it.