gawindx / WinNUT-Client

This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Manual Language Selection / not ideal translations #134

Open ChrisBCH opened 2 years ago

ChrisBCH commented 2 years ago

The German translation is really not good (to say it nicely) an in some cases misleading. My questions: 1) Can I switch to English UI (my Windows 11 is German)? 2) I can provide better translations, but I need to know the English original first in order to make the translation better. So basically same question: How can I get the English original? 3) Wouldn't it be better to let the user decide about the language? I would prefer English UI.

gbakeman commented 2 years ago

Hello Chris,

I thought it was possible to change the language in app, but it appears not. I'd suggest changing the name of this issue to something like "Manual language selection" since that would be a good feature to have.

Please see PRs #108 and #131 as these are tracking German translation updates. We'd appreciate having your feedback on those.

In the meantime, this repository is currently in stasis and awaiting either @gawindx to return or a migration to a GitHub organization which I'm slowly working on at the moment.

TigraTT commented 1 year ago

i also found some wrong translations and tried to change them, but i coulnd get it work.

clang88 commented 1 year ago

I was also quite shocked by the poor german translations in this app and the lack of options to change it. Of course, you could change the translations and build from source, but it is not ideal.

A workaround that somewhat works is just simply deleting the localization folders... This works fine if you run the .exe directly, however, if you use the shortcut created by the installer it tries to install something. A manual language selection would definitely be much appreciated.

gbakeman commented 1 year ago

Everyone: this repository is no longer being maintained. Improved translations and more fixes can be found at If you see some translations that need improving, please consider contributing to the project.