gawindx / WinNUT-Client

This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Export current configuration for import on another client? #176

Open stm64 opened 8 months ago

stm64 commented 8 months ago

Is there a way to export working WinNUT-Client configuration on one PC for import on other PCs?

gbakeman commented 8 months ago

Echoing my last comment about the repository being moved, but to answer this question: Currently, WinNUT uses the Windows Registry for storing settings. You can export your settings to a .reg file in two ways.

  1. Open regedit.exe, and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/WinNUT and export that key, or
  2. In a command window, run reg export HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/WinNUT .\export.reg which will export to a file in the current directory.
stm64 commented 8 months ago

Frist I looked for a ups.ini on my system as this is the default file name when doing an import. But there is no such file on my PC. So I looked at registry and found HKCU/Software/WinNUT. But this cannot be used for direct import in another PC's registry as all nodes contain user's registry key like "S-1-5-21-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-1000".

gbakeman commented 8 months ago

Inside the WinNUT key should only be keys and values relating to WinNUT, is that not the case when you export the WinNUT key?

stm64 commented 8 months ago

No, unfortunatelly all keys contain this user specific key, even the WinNUT sub-keys like "Appearance", "Calibration" etc.

stm64 commented 8 months ago

BTW because I switched to .NET version I first uninstalled old WinNUT version. This uninstall did not remove the HKCU/Software/WinNUT branch in the registry!

As the .NET version uses the same names for registry this saved me from re-entering all the configuration settings. But normally I would expect uninstall to remove "everything".

gbakeman commented 8 months ago

Good point about clearing out old data, that's not currently a feature in WinNUT and I'm honestly not sure if that will be a feature in the new Application Settings system or ClickOnce deployment that I want to use. I don't recall seeing it as an option in the current Setup project deployment system we use, so I don't think full data removal will be a feature at least in the near-future.

I am working on a migration to the standard .Net Framework Settings system in if you want to follow along (would appreciate having some testers.) In the migration wizard, there will be an option to import settings from the Registry, export them to a .reg file on the filesystem, and also delete them from the Registry at the end. The user will also be able to ignore them/leave them alone, and start with default settings.

I apologize for my confusion as I've been in and out of the WinNUT registry tree quite a bit while working on this. I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean when you say there are nodes containing the user's registry key/GUID. I'm familiar with GUIDs like that and I know Windows uses them to identify user profiles/accounts, but I'm not sure why you're seeing it in WinNUT's key structure... that's a new one to me. Would you please post a screenshot of what you're seeing in the Windows Registry editor (partially censored if you wish?)

For reference, here's part of the key structure looks like for me:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



stm64 commented 8 months ago

Shame on me, I looked in and exported WinNUT-branch from HKEYUSERS not HKEYCURRENT_USER. Apologies...

gbakeman commented 8 months ago

No worries at all, sounds like you were seeing a copy of the current user's registry hive? Thank you again for the suggestions and feedback.