gawindx / WinNUT-Client

This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Translation] zh-CN Simplified Chinese #35

Open nonPointer opened 4 years ago

nonPointer commented 4 years ago

Gist Link

gawindx commented 4 years ago

thank you for this translation. I integrate it into the next version and then I will close the issue.

just to be sure, this translation only concerns the zh-CN locale and is not compatible with the zh-TW locale, is that correct?

nonPointer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your response. Yes, this translation only concerns the zh-CN locale in Simplified Chinese, while a zh-TW translation should based on Traditional Chinese.

gawindx commented 4 years ago

ok, that's what I understood and as I don't know Chinese, I preferred to be sure rather than badly integrate the translation

nonPointer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your careful consideration. Since the grammar various among different languages, some sentences may sound weird in my translation. It could be better if you could add more {} tuple for variables. For example, "Shutdown if battery lower than"=>"Shutdown if battery lower than {0}" so that it can be translated to "在电池电量百分比低于 {0}% 时关机". but not "如果电池低于百分比则关机"(the grammar is weird in Chinese). Furthermore, I would like to recommend you put a combined CSV file under the repo so that others can simply refine the translation by pull request, instead of creating a full translation document.

gawindx commented 4 years ago

For the csv, this is not a bad idea, it would indeed be easier to manage. It remains to be seen how I can use it more easily with Visual Studio. Otherwise I will have to manually copy each translation (which I am already doing).

For the tupple, I'll see what I can do, I can't guarantee anything but I'll see.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

I followed your idea and created a csv file to make it easier to update languages.

I also had to make some modifications / additions to the texts. Which implies that your translation may not be perfectly exact anymore. Can you take a look and correct if necessary - I will release version 2.0.5 soon but I am waiting for your feedback to do so

nonPointer commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I would check it asap.

nonPointer commented 3 years ago

I think the "Devellopement" row in the CSV is a typo.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

oops well seen English is not my native language, and you can see it ....

gawindx commented 3 years ago

I had to edit or add some text. I also modified the csv file to have a better follow-up of the translation status (you will see a status field as well as a field indicating who made the translation). This way, and if you want to update or correct some translations, it will be easier for you and me to follow.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

Pull requests validated, but I continued the development and raised a lack on a function so, if you can translate me 2 additional sentences (to avoid a new pull request) : 1 - Windows standby. WinNUT will disconnect. 2 - Restarting WinNUT after waking up from Windows.

nonPointer commented 3 years ago

Here is the translation. 1 - Windows 待机。WinNUT 将断开连接。 2 - 重启计算机后自动运行 WinNUT。

gawindx commented 3 years ago
